ThePatr10t / yall-Qaeda

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Make Original Metadata available #41

Open WrongWayUSA opened 3 years ago

WrongWayUSA commented 3 years ago

I'm examining a video for reporting accuracy and would like to confirm the metadata of the original file. Is this something you might consider as we all breakdown and analyze this footage? This is ESPECIALLY useful for identifying Proud Boys who were legally barred from being in DC at the time of the riot.


ThePatr10t commented 3 years ago

Tonight this was just requested on Twitter, and I half-assed a solution. Now the metadata files in JSON format (released by Donk) are hosted, and when the point in the map is clicked, the needed JSON is loaded via javascript and simply printed in the browser console.

See thread here :

If anyone can suggest some CSS that would allow this stuff to be rendered in the page (without screwing up the layout) Im all ears. Maybe with a scrolling DIV that has a minimal height? Maybe some kind of optional popout frame?

I fucking hate frontend. Srsly