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new_usertype,program crash #1384

Open xncc123 opened 2 years ago

xncc123 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, my english is very bad。When I create an object of user-defined type in lua script。It throws an error when no corresponding constructor is found。But,it still create a lua object of user data type。then when lua gc run,it will call the destructor of user-defined type,then the program crash。

#include <sol/sol.hpp>
#include <iostream>

class Foo
    Foo(int id, const char* name)
        : id_(id), name_(name) {}
    ~Foo() { 
            std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ",id=" << id_ << ",name=" << name_ << std::endl;
    void Print() { 
            std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ",id=" << id_ << ",name=" << name_ << std::endl;
    int id_;
    std::string name_;

  static void Test()
      sol::state lua;

      lua.new_usertype<Foo>("Foo", sol::constructors<Foo(int, const char*)>(), "Print", &Foo::Print);

      auto res = lua.safe_script(
          //", 'abc') foo1:Print() "
          //" "
          "pcall(function() end) collectgarbage('collect') "
          , sol::script_pass_on_error);
      if (!res.valid()) {
          std::cout << "lua error:" << sol::stack::get<std::string>(lua, -1) << std::endl;

int main()
    return 0;