After five separate attempts to pass beyond November 1963 while playing as Magnitogorsk, I have concluded that Lysenko does not wish to wonder on whether England will truly be free. It only appears to crash on the event rather than the declaration of war.
Not only does the game freeze, but decisions, national focuses, army movements, even exiting the game and or going to the main menu is unresponsive. Tagging other countries at the moment of freeze gives the same result.
After five separate attempts to pass beyond November 1963 while playing as Magnitogorsk, I have concluded that Lysenko does not wish to wonder on whether England will truly be free. It only appears to crash on the event rather than the declaration of war.
Not only does the game freeze, but decisions, national focuses, army movements, even exiting the game and or going to the main menu is unresponsive. Tagging other countries at the moment of freeze gives the same result.