ThePix / QuestJS

A major re-write of Quest that is written in JavaScript and will run in the browser.
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Issues with dynamic talk to (dropdown list of topics) #51

Closed Kln95130 closed 3 years ago

Kln95130 commented 3 years ago

Hello. I encounter the following issues with the current version (0.4) of the framework, regarding "talk to" with topics.

I am trying to test the following code:

createItem("Mark", NPC(false), {
  loc: "lounge",
  properName: true,

createItem("Mark_How", TOPIC(true), {
  alias: "How are you doing?",
  hideAfter: false,
  script:function() {
    msg("Fine, thank you.")

createItem("Mark_Weather", TOPIC(true), {
  alias: "Nice weather today.",
  hideAfter: false,
  script:function() {
  1. When opening the dropdown menu, I have an "Examine" that is pasted after the topic alias. capture

  2. The topic responses are displaced. When clicking on "How are you?", nothing happens. When I select "Nice Weather today", I get the "Fine, thank you." answer. If I select "Nevermind", I get the "Quite." answer, and so on.

These issues are specific to the dropdown, so I think it's something related to how it is built by the library. I will investigate a little further. If I find something, I will update this ticket.

Kln95130 commented 3 years ago

Update: On a hunch, I modified the io.showdropdown function as such, and issue number 2 is fixed. Not sure exactly why, but the fix is basically going along with the behavior of the dropdown menu. The changed part is to use "i +1" in the value of the option elements instead of "i": s += '<option value="' + (i + 1) + '">';

function showDropDown(title, options, fn) {
  const opts = {article:DEFINITE, capital:true}
  io.input(title, options, false, fn, function(options) {
    let s = '<select id="menu-select" class="custom-select" style="width:400px;" ';
    s += 'onchange=\"io.menuResponse($(\'#menu-select\').find(\':selected\').val())\">';
    s += '<option value="-1">-- Select one --</option>';
    for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
      s += '<option value="' + (i + 1) + '">';
      s += (typeof options[i] === 'string' ? options[i] : lang.getName(options[i], opts))
      s += '</option>';
    msg(s + "</select>");

I'll keep looking for the "Examine" out of nowhere

Kln95130 commented 3 years ago

Issue 1's cause found: the "Examine" is added by the item-links library.

I solved the issue by adding an "onCreation" function to TOPIC, which removes the "examine" verb from the verblist (which caused the issue)

const TOPIC = function(fromStart) {
    onCreation: function(o) {
      o.verbFunctions.push(function(o, verbList) {
ThePix commented 3 years ago

Thanks for that. I have uploaded to GitHub a new version (but not a release version yet). Issue 2, you were spot on. Issue 1 was that the link library was adding "Examine" as a clickable verb; I added and option in the library to stop that, and showDropDown and showMenu use that.