ThePix / QuestJS

A major re-write of Quest that is written in JavaScript and will run in the browser.
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Fixes to code in "Destinations, not directions" #77

Closed oersted closed 1 year ago

oersted commented 1 year ago

Currently, the code snippets in this wiki page don't work:,-not-directions

The main problem is with the GoTo command, which is not able to find rooms in its scope. {scope: parser.isRoom} needs to be changed to {scope: parser.isRoom, extendedScope: true}.

There's also a smaller issue in createAdditionalPane which causes a crash if dests is not defined in a room. I would recommend adding a if (currentLocation.dests) {} around the for loop.

I'd to a pull request, but it doesn't seem to be possible within the wiki.

ThePix commented 1 year ago

Thanks, updated

ThePix commented 1 year ago

I found another issue - it was saying you head to the room you just left. The page has been updated, hopefully this message will mean you get notified!