ThePorgs / Exegol

Fully featured and community-driven hacking environment
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] missing #135

Closed rdavid000 closed 1 year ago

rdavid000 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

Start container command can't be setup.

I dont have this files /opt/my-resources/setup/ (fresh install from a pip install exegol) Anyway i try /root/.exegol/my-resources/setup/ without success and no load_setups.log is found

Same after : echo "#!/bin/bash" > /opt/my-resources/setup/ echo "service ssh start" >> /opt/my-resources/setup/

Steps To Reproduce

apt-get update -y apt-get upgrade -y apt-get install openssh-server sudo -y useradd -s /bin/bash -m r2d2 && echo 'r2d2:1234' | chpasswd usermod -aG sudo r2d2 newgrp sudo apt-get clean -yq systemctl daemon-reload sudo su r2d2 cd /home/r2d2 sudo apt install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release -y sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin pip -y sudo usermod -aG docker r2d2 newgrp docker sudo systemctl enable docker.service sudo systemctl enable containerd.service python3 -m pip install exegol exegol install exegol start MyExegol nightly

Exegol Wrapper Version

root@IAMPreseed:~# exegol version -vvv
[*] Exegol is currently in version v4.1.1
[*] Exegol Discord serv.:
[*] Exegol documentation:
[+] We thank Capgemini for supporting the project (helping with dev) πŸ™
[+] We thank HackTheBox for sponsoring the multi-arch support πŸ’š
[D] Pip installation: Off πŸͺ“
[D] Git source installation: Off πŸͺ“
[D] Host OS: Linux
[D] Arch: amd64
[D] Raw arch: x86_64
[D] Docker desktop: Off πŸͺ“
[D] Shell type: Linux
[D] Last update check: 12/02/2023

Host OS

root@IAMPreseed:~# uname -a
Linux IAMPreseed 5.10.0-21-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.162-1 (2023-01-21) x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@IAMPreseed:~# uname -^C
root@IAMPreseed:~# cat /etc/*-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"

Configuration of the concerned container

root@IAMPreseed:~# exegol info -v MyExegol
[*] Exegol is currently in version v4.1.1
[*] Exegol Discord serv.:
[*] Exegol documentation:
[+] We thank Capgemini for supporting the project (helping with dev) πŸ™
[+] We thank HackTheBox for sponsoring the multi-arch support πŸ’š
[V] Listing user configurations

🧠 User configurations
β”‚ User config file: /root/.exegol/config.yml       β”‚
β”‚ Private workspace: /root/.exegol/workspaces      β”‚
β”‚ Exegol resources: /root/.exegol/exegol-resources β”‚
β”‚ My resources: /root/.exegol/my-resources         β”‚
β”‚ Auto-check updates: On βœ”                         β”‚
β”‚ Auto-remove images: On βœ”                         β”‚
β”‚ Auto-update fs: Off πŸͺ“                           β”‚
β”‚ Default start shell: zsh                         β”‚
β”‚ Shell logging method: asciinema                  β”‚
β”‚ Shell logging compression: On βœ”                  β”‚

[V] Config: Enabling shell logging

⭐ Container summary
β”‚             Name β”‚ MyExegol                                                          β”‚
β”‚            Image β”‚ full - v.3.0.0 (Up to date) (amd64)                               β”‚
β”‚    Creation date β”‚ 12/02/2023 05:25                                                  β”‚
β”‚              GUI β”‚ Off πŸͺ“                                                            β”‚
β”‚          Network β”‚ host                                                              β”‚
β”‚         Timezone β”‚ On βœ”                                                              β”‚
β”‚ Exegol resources β”‚ On βœ” (/opt/resources)                                             β”‚
β”‚     My resources β”‚ On βœ” (/opt/my-resources)                                          β”‚
β”‚    Shell logging β”‚ On βœ” (/workspace/logs)                                            β”‚
β”‚       Privileged β”‚ Off βœ”                                                             β”‚
β”‚        Workspace β”‚ Dedicated (/workspace)                                            β”‚
β”‚             Envs β”‚ PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin β”‚
β”‚          Volumes β”‚ /root/.exegol/exegol-resources ➑ /opt/resources                   β”‚
β”‚                  β”‚ /root/.exegol/workspaces/MyExegol ➑ /workspace                    β”‚
β”‚                  β”‚ /etc/timezone ➑ /etc/timezone (RO)                                β”‚
β”‚                  β”‚ /etc/localtime ➑ /etc/localtime (RO)                              β”‚
β”‚                  β”‚ /root/.exegol/my-resources ➑ /opt/my-resources                    β”‚

Execution logs in debug mode

root@IAMPreseed:~# exegol start --log --disable-X11 MyExegol nightly -vvv
[*] Exegol is currently in version v4.1.1
[*] Exegol Discord serv.:
[*] Exegol documentation:
[+] We thank Capgemini for supporting the project (helping with dev) πŸ™
[+] We thank HackTheBox for sponsoring the multi-arch support πŸ’š
[D] Pip installation: Off πŸͺ“
[D] Git source installation: Off πŸͺ“
[D] Host OS: Linux
[D] Arch: amd64
[D] Raw arch: x86_64
[D] Docker desktop: Off πŸͺ“
[D] Shell type: Linux
[D] Last update check: 12/02/2023

[*] Starting exegol
[*] Arguments supplied with the command, skipping interactive mode
[D] Attribute not found in parameters: multicontainertag
[D] == Loading container : exegol-MyExegol
[D] Parsing envs : PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
[D] Adding env PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
[D] Parsing label :
[D] Parsing label : org.exegol.build_date
[D] Parsing label : org.exegol.feature.shell_logging
[V] Config: Enabling shell logging
[D] Parsing label : org.exegol.metadata.creation_date
[D] Parsing label : org.exegol.src_repository
[D] Parsing label : org.exegol.tag
[D] Parsing label : org.exegol.version
[D] Capabilities : []
[D] Load devices : []
[D] Parsing mount : {'Type': 'bind', 'Source': '/root/.exegol/exegol-resources', 'Destination': '/opt/resources', 'Mode': '', 'RW': True, 'Propagation': 'rprivate'}
[D] Parsing mount : {'Type': 'bind', 'Source': '/root/.exegol/workspaces/MyExegol', 'Destination': '/workspace', 'Mode': '', 'RW': True, 'Propagation': 'rprivate'}
[D] Loading workspace volume source : /root/.exegol/workspaces/MyExegol
[D] Private workspace detected
[D] Parsing mount : {'Type': 'bind', 'Source': '/etc/timezone', 'Destination': '/etc/timezone', 'Mode': '', 'RW': False, 'Propagation': 'rprivate'}
[D] Parsing mount : {'Type': 'bind', 'Source': '/etc/localtime', 'Destination': '/etc/localtime', 'Mode': '', 'RW': False, 'Propagation': 'rprivate'}
[D] Parsing mount : {'Type': 'bind', 'Source': '/root/.exegol/my-resources', 'Destination': '/opt/my-resources', 'Mode': '', 'RW': True, 'Propagation': 'rprivate'}
[D] └── full    β†’ (remote) sha256:6751cd3bf83461623a9bfab29c36edfef8b5d4e9b80c11015cf53a0061099dce
[!] These parameters (IMAGE, --disable-X11) have been entered although the container already exists, they will not be taken into account.
[*] Location of the exegol workspace on the host : /root/.exegol/workspaces/MyExegol
[+] Opening shell in Exegol 'MyExegol'
[D] Opening shell with: docker exec -ti 9b1a9e3a16b5d34f825ad33e4577d2ca6c89f11fe9efe50b463cf28799ea5b74 /.exegol/ shell_logging asciinema zsh True
[πŸ”΄][Feb 12, 2023 - 05:30:13 (CET)] exegol-MyExegol /workspace # service ssh status
sshd is not running ... failed!


No response

Anything else?

root@IAMPreseed:~# updatedb
root@IAMPreseed:~# locate
root@IAMPreseed:~# cat /root/.exegol/my-resources/setup/
set -e

# This script will be executed on the first startup of each new container with the "my-resources" feature enabled.
# Arbitrary code can be added in this file, in order to customize Exegol (dependency installation, configuration file copy, etc).
# It is strongly advised **not** to overwrite the configuration files provided by exegol (e.g. /root/.zshrc, /opt/.exegol_aliases, ...), official updates will not be applied otherwise.

# Exegol also features a set of supported customization a user can make.
# The /opt/ file lists the supported configurations that can be made easily.
service ssh start
root@IAMPreseed:~# cat /usr/local/exegol-docker-build/sources/exegol/skel/
set -e

# This script will be executed on the first startup of each new container with the "my-resources" feature enabled.
# Arbitrary code can be added in this file, in order to customize Exegol (dependency installation, configuration file copy, etc).
# It is strongly advised **not** to overwrite the configuration files provided by exegol (e.g. /root/.zshrc, /opt/.exegol_aliases, ...), official updates will not be applied otherwise.

# Exegol also features a set of supported customization a user can make.
# The /opt/ file lists the supported configurations that can be made easily.
service ssh start

root@IAMPreseed:~# locate load_setups.log
ShutdownRepo commented 1 year ago

Hey there, the reason you don't have in ~/.exegol/my-resources/setup/ is probably because you haven't started any container yet. Can you try to create one (exegol start containername someimage) and check again? Fyi, the ~/.exegol/my-resources/setup/ is the host path, and /opt/my-resources/setup/ is the path in the container.

rdavid000 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for helping but nop :(

r2d2@IAMPreseed:~$ exegol start my nightly
[*] Exegol is currently in version v4.1.1
[*] Exegol Discord serv.:
[*] Exegol documentation:
[+] We thank Capgemini for supporting the project (helping with dev) πŸ™
[+] We thank HackTheBox for sponsoring the multi-arch support πŸ’š
[*] Starting exegol
[*] Arguments supplied with the command, skipping interactive mode

⭐ Container summary
β”‚             Name β”‚ my                                β”‚
β”‚            Image β”‚ nightly - v.d3d8f764 (Up to date) β”‚
β”‚              GUI β”‚ On βœ”                              β”‚
β”‚          Network β”‚ host                              β”‚
β”‚         Timezone β”‚ On βœ”                              β”‚
β”‚ Exegol resources β”‚ On βœ” (/opt/resources)             β”‚
β”‚     My resources β”‚ On βœ” (/opt/my-resources)          β”‚
β”‚    Shell logging β”‚ Off πŸͺ“                            β”‚
β”‚       Privileged β”‚ Off βœ”                             β”‚
β”‚        Workspace β”‚ Dedicated (/workspace)            β”‚

[*] Creating new exegol container
[+] Exegol container successfully created !
sh: 1: xhost: not found
[*] Location of the exegol workspace on the host : /home/r2d2/.exegol/workspaces/my
[+] Opening shell in Exegol 'my'
[oh-my-zsh] Would you like to update? [Y/n]
Updating Oh My Zsh


 - fc72280 [jira]

   Rename myissues to mine and add completion (#10931)

 - 61dd368 [nats]

   Rename `nsc` plugin to `nats`

 - f1a8000 [brew]

   Rename `buf` alias to `bfu` to avoid conflicts with protobuf tool

 - d48cbb8 [git]

   `gpf` and `gpsupf` now have the `--force-if-includes` flag if git
   version is greater than 2.30. It will make force pushes more safer. See


 - c189e8b [agnoster]             Add remote-tracking status to prompt (#7209)
 - 041c35f [amuse]                Add virtualenv support (#8987)
 - eb2147c [aws]                  Load profiles from credentials file (#11196)
 - 379fe0f [azure]                Add `azure` plugin (#8848)
 - 08c3ce8 [bridgetown]           Add plugin for Ruby bridgetown site generator (#10496)
 - ea4854d [directories]          Add config to skip aliases (#11469)
 - 3705edf [docker]               Add `drs` alias (#11393)
 - 2bc42d2 [docker-compose]       Add `dcupdb` alias (#10235)
 - 27f3179 [dotnet]               Add `dwt` alias (#11470)
 - 4b5076b [extract]              Add `pbzip2` and `pixz` (#11435)
 - 9b91e82 [extract]              Add `zpaq` support (#11478)
 - bf57b4f [functions/take]       Make `.tgz` behave as `.tar.gz` (#11446)
 - a1c54e0 [fzf]                  Add `skip-dpkg` flag to avoid some regressions
 - 280c99d [git]                  Accept `default` and `mainline` as main branches (#11431)
 - d48cbb8 [git]                  Add `force-if-includes` flag (#11481)
 - 39525e5 [git]                  Add `gpsupf` alias (#11268)
 - 3545419 [git]                  Use verbose flags in aliases
 - 0e9e536 [gradle]               Update completion from upstream (#11485)
 - 7ea8a93 [helm]                 Add aliases (#11361)
 - 746424f [homebrew]             Adding new alias for brew uninstall --zap as buz closes #10329 (#10331)
 - fc86a16 [homebrew]             Brew greedy upgrade aliases (#9623)
 - b2313ec [installer]            Respect and install in `$ZDOTDIR` if set (#9376)
 - 5850843 [jira]                 Add optional plugin "tempo" path (#11121)
 - e0d0dfb [jira]                 Support rapid view on rapid board mode (#9459)
 - a3c579b [maven]                Add `quarkus` command support (#11405)
 - 7de5584 [mlh]                  Add separate prompt symbol for root user (#11451)
 - a051eb0 [mvn]                  Add completion for Vaadin (#11362)
 - 61dd368 [nats]                 Rename `nsc` plugin to `nats`
 - 8f0e296 [nsc]                  Add completion plugin
 - 64bc22a [nvm]                  Add `silent-autoload` setting (#11363)
 - cc5100d [pip]                  Add several aliases (#10647)
 - 00c37b6 [pipenv]               Standarize completion generation (#11424)
 - e583648 [qrcode]               New plugin to generate qrcode via (#10247)
 - 55e4e6c [systemd]              Add support for user units in prompt (#11417)
 - 13082bb [watson]               Add completion (#10886)
 - 4181e8a [yarn]                 Add alias for `yarn why` (#10773)
 - 3a9322b [yarn]                 Add format alias (#11368)
 - 3fd63fd [zsh-interactive-cd]   Sync version with upstream (#11024)

Bug fixes:

 - 6710fd5 [autojump]             Fix autojump sourcing in nix (-darwin) (#11422)
 - 36f1055 [autojump]             Use sh file instead of zsh in NixOS (#11425)
 - f1a8000 [brew]                 Rename `buf` alias to `bfu`
 - 6eefaf5 [brew]                 Renamed buf alias to bfu (#11195)
 - df65835 [clipboard]            Move wsl detection to higher priority (#11440)
 - 9c2d1af [doctl]                Actually load completions (#11402)
 - ca0acf3 [emacs]                Make `alternate-editor` work for emacs >28
 - b0bffca [fzf]                  Fix check for true Debian-like in debian setup function (#11460)
 - 3e1c0d5 [fzf]                  Installation dir for brew M1 (#11490)
 - 45571bf [git]                  `gpristine` requires two `--force` flags
 - 71ca386 [git-extras]           Type properly `__gitex_command_successful` calls
 - f9104d1 [gradle]               Move compdef line (#11488)
 - 5b9de6a [init]                 Remove duplicated check
 - 6c3cf65 [installer]            Automatically create ZDOTDIR path if it doesn't exist
 - 5c9a3d2 [installer]            Don't use `$ZDOTDIR` in zshrc file if same as `$HOME`
 - 9f31951 [jira]                 Make prefix check on "jira branch" command case-insensitive (#8799)
 - 046f0ca [jira]                 Update README examples to a table format
 - b692ff2 [kubectl]              Redirect stderr in completion generation
 - 2c2187b [macos]                Fix `man-preview` for macOS Ventura (#11324)
 - 585e713 [nvm]                  Omit message when silent-autoload is enabled (#11371)
 - fc44c49 [nvm]                  Trim non-printable chars from .nvmrc (#10997)
 - f8bf8f0 [sudo]                 Only call redisplay if zle is enabled
 - e55e3f0 [systemadmin]          Handle error for no IPv6 route in `geteip` (#11458)
 - 657ad05 [theme-and-appearance] Fix `diff` completion in macOS
 - f4dc8c5 [tmux]                 Use `$...SESSION_NAME` while attaching (#10946)
 - 3fca9c8 [upgrade]              Check if git is available and working
 - fe0dd82 [upgrade]              Do not upgrade if not called from tty


 - ba8777f [fzf]                  Speed up startup on debian (#11122)


 - b256c12 [fasd]                 Recommend fork over original fasd (#11474)
 - 6dc6646 [git]                  Add missing entries and run formatter
 - 87f1941 [git]                  Remove duplicated line
 - ed40746 [lando]                Php support (#11491)
 - 0f71cfd [qrsvg]                Fix command example (#11436)
 - 29cf199 [term_tab]             Plugin can only be used with linux and solaris (#11385)
 - 82c0db4 [term_tab]             Rewrite README in markdown (#11381)

Other changes:

 - bc36043 [heroku-cli]            Add heroku cli alias (#9073)
 - fc72280 [jira]                 Refactor: Rename myissues to mine and add completion (#10931)
 - 658eb01 [kubectl]              Refactor: Standarize completion generation

You can see the changelog with `omz changelog`
         __                                     __
  ____  / /_     ____ ___  __  __   ____  _____/ /_
 / __ \/ __ \   / __ `__ \/ / / /  /_  / / ___/ __ \
/ /_/ / / / /  / / / / / / /_/ /    / /_(__  ) / / /
\____/_/ /_/  /_/ /_/ /_/\__, /    /___/____/_/ /_/

Hooray! Oh My Zsh has been updated!

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[Feb 12, 2023 - 16:38:03 (CET)] exegol-my /workspace #

r2d2@IAMPreseed:~$ exegol info
[*] Exegol is currently in version v4.1.1
[*] Exegol Discord serv.:
[*] Exegol documentation:
[+] We thank Capgemini for supporting the project (helping with dev) πŸ™
[+] We thank HackTheBox for sponsoring the multi-arch support πŸ’š

πŸ›Έ Available images
β”‚ Image tag β”‚ Size                β”‚ Status                  β”‚
β”‚ nightly   β”‚ 27.2GB              β”‚ Up to date (v.d3d8f764) β”‚
β”‚ full      β”‚ 11.9GB (compressed) β”‚ Not installed           β”‚
β”‚ ad        β”‚ 8.6GB (compressed)  β”‚ Not installed           β”‚
β”‚ web       β”‚ 6.8GB (compressed)  β”‚ Not installed           β”‚
β”‚ osint     β”‚ 3.6GB (compressed)  β”‚ Not installed           β”‚
β”‚ light     β”‚ 4.8GB (compressed)  β”‚ Not installed           β”‚

πŸ‘½ Available containers
β”‚ Container tag β”‚ State   β”‚ Image tag β”‚ Configurations        β”‚
β”‚ my            β”‚ Running β”‚ nightly   β”‚ Default configuration β”‚

r2d2@IAMPreseed:~$ ls /opt/my-resources/setup/
ls: cannot access '/opt/my-resources/setup/': No such file or directory
r2d2@IAMPreseed:~$ ls /opt/
r2d2@IAMPreseed:~$ docker container ls
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                     COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS     NAMES
393856fe7a63   nwodtuhs/exegol:nightly   "/.exegol/entrypoint…"   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes             exegol-my
r2d2@IAMPreseed:~$ ls ~/.exegol/my-resources/setup/
r2d2@IAMPreseed:~$ exegol stop my
[*] Exegol is currently in version v4.1.1
[*] Exegol Discord serv.:
[*] Exegol documentation:
[+] We thank Capgemini for supporting the project (helping with dev) πŸ™
[+] We thank HackTheBox for sponsoring the multi-arch support πŸ’š
[*] Stopping exegol
[*] Stopping container my
r2d2@IAMPreseed:~$ exegol start my
[*] Exegol is currently in version v4.1.1
[*] Exegol Discord serv.:
[*] Exegol documentation:
[+] We thank Capgemini for supporting the project (helping with dev) πŸ™
[+] We thank HackTheBox for sponsoring the multi-arch support πŸ’š
[*] Starting exegol
[*] Arguments supplied with the command, skipping interactive mode
[*] Starting container my
sh: 1: xhost: not found
[*] Location of the exegol workspace on the host : /home/r2d2/.exegol/workspaces/my
[+] Opening shell in Exegol 'my'
[Feb 12, 2023 - 16:44:21 (CET)] exegol-my /workspace # service ssh status
sshd is not running ... failed!
[Feb 12, 2023 - 16:44:27 (CET)] exegol-my /workspace #
ShutdownRepo commented 1 year ago

From the container, can you cat /var/log/exegol/load_setups.log?

Dramelac commented 1 year ago

Can you also run the following command inside your container ?

And also just to better understand the needs, you are trying to start an ssh server from within the container ? Because there is a problem here, the load_user_setup sh script is executed one time at the container creation and not at each start, it could be used to install or customize some configuration but not really useful at starting service every time... It still not explain why you didn't find your script file inside your container (maybe there is a bug with your nightly release, the stable one is full).

Hope it can be useful

rdavid000 commented 1 year ago

I just redo the things and now i see this files. Strange. Ty for the help