ThePrimeagen / harpoon

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[harpoon 2] Ability append item to list with any index #436

Open kaiphat opened 7 months ago

kaiphat commented 7 months ago

What issue are you having that you need harpoon to solve? I would like to try using harpoon like window manager. I mean, I want to know exactly, that my file will be available by my shortcut, but i don't have opportunity to connect buffer with necessary key. For example:

<leader>hQ -> list:append(1)
<leader>hq -> list:get(1)
<leader>hW -> list:append(2)
<leader>hw -> list:get(2)

In other words don't use list like array, but like map.

Why doesn't the current config help? Nope

What proposed api changes are you suggesting? Change append method or better to add another one like insert. And mb change next and prev methods to skip empty indexes in list. And length.

rtc11 commented 7 months ago

I need this.

I want to be able to do something like this, because the item I am appending is not in the buffer:

require('harpoon'):list():append({ value = rel_file_path, index = 3 })

-- or

require('harpoon'):list():append({ value = rel_file_path }, 3)
kaiphat commented 7 months ago

Actually in lua there isn't difference between list and object. So it would be like that:

require('harpoon'):list():append({ value = rel_file_path, index = 'q' })
require('harpoon'):list():append({ value = rel_file_path, index = 'any_specific_index' })
willothy commented 7 months ago

Seems like #400 somewhat addresses this?

kaiphat commented 7 months ago

Yes, it's similar, but it doesn't allow this case: i have empty list, but i want to add concrete file to index 3, because i have keymap for this index

kaiphat commented 7 months ago

I did simple local implementation without ui (actually, i have never used it), so i don't need harpoon. Some features:

ThePrimeagen commented 7 months ago

I have to have a very compelling reason to accept any form of this

Please convince, as I don't want the complexity and I don't think the use case is real

kaiphat commented 7 months ago

The main problem for me is i can't memorize items order:) So if i have 4 items in list i can't open necessary file by index, only through cycling. Also, i can't change item for index 2 for example it means that if i filled list incorrectly i should cleat this and fill one more time.

ThePrimeagen commented 7 months ago

We have replace for this operation

sartak commented 7 months ago

For me it boils down to wanting to pick which hotkeys go to which files (so I can consistently have 1 to go the implementation, 2 to the interface, 3 to the test, etc), rather than having to remember what harpoon happened to give me.

kaiphat commented 7 months ago

@sartak great explanation!

lpanebr commented 6 months ago

I'd like list_height and allow_empty_items settings so that I could map any file to any key-finger combination regardless, like shown below. image

For me this would allow me to map my index, middle and ring fingers individually to different file sets as I see fit.

rtc11 commented 6 months ago

Indexes have many use-cases and enables a lot more customizing.

For developers that hates popup menus:

<C-ah> = register buffer to h <C-h> = goto buffer h <C-ch> = clear register h (preserve the others)

For developers that love popup menus: image

thomazmoura commented 4 months ago

I'm trying to move from harpoon to harpoon 2 and I'm having a hard time believing this is not built-in in harpoon 2 since it was working just fine on harpoon 1. So, am I missing something obvious or is the following code really not doable anymore in any way in harpoon 2?

vim.keymap.set('n', '<M-j>', '<cmd>lua require("harpoon.ui").nav_file(1)<Enter>', opts)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<M-k>', '<cmd>lua require("harpoon.ui").nav_file(2)<Enter>', opts)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<M-l>', '<cmd>lua require("harpoon.ui").nav_file(3)<Enter>', opts)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<M-;>', '<cmd>lua require("harpoon.ui").nav_file(4)<Enter>', opts)

vim.keymap.set('n', '<M-S-j>', '<cmd>lua require("harpoon.mark").set_current_at(1)<Enter>', opts)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<M-S-k>', '<cmd>lua require("harpoon.mark").set_current_at(2)<Enter>', opts)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<M-S-l>', '<cmd>lua require("harpoon.mark").set_current_at(3)<Enter>', opts)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<M-:>', '<cmd>lua require("harpoon.mark").set_current_at(4)<Enter>', opts)

Just to clarify my use case is that often for each feature I'm developing I have the same types of files open depending on the type of feature: when developing APIs I often have the test (j), the class I'm implementing (k) and dependencies it calls (l and ;), if I'm developing an UI with Angular I'll have the html (j), the component logic (k) and services related to the feature (l and ;).

Having the ability to map a key to a type of file depending on what I'm developing is what made me love harpoon 1 and with the above code it's easy to do it just by adding shift to set or replace the index. If for harpoon 2 I have to manually reorder the files using the menu whenever I want to change a file I'm not sure if the upgrade will be worth it for me.

ThePrimeagen commented 4 months ago

I'm planning on doing another round of harpoon development and rounding off any of these bugs in the next 2 weeks

I very well may add this feature

rofrol commented 1 month ago

@thomazmoura harpoon:list():replace_at(1)?

thomazmoura commented 1 month ago

@thomazmoura harpoon:list():replace_at(1)?

You mean like the one on #400 ? It would be fine by me.

But so far it seems to me that Primeagen won't fix this because the way it is now already suits all his needs - and it doesn't seem like having things that were supported on version 1 be unsupported on version 2 is a big deal for him, which is reasonable. I'm still using version 1 and it's being suiting me as well so I'm fine with being "stuck" on version 1 for now (it seems like the new features don't really affect my workflow anyway).