ThePrimeagen / primestack

135 stars 3 forks source link

cargo primestack init #1

Open ThePrimeagen opened 1 year ago

ThePrimeagen commented 1 year ago

Project structure

I think that we will need a view library, client (with trunk compilation), and server (with cloudflare / fermyon runner)

tailwind is optional file based routing [open question] forced view, client, server? provide data solution (api routes)? should provide api route caller (think trpc)?

I am really unsure where to go on this?

hitchhooker commented 1 year ago

replace tailwind with unocss image 200x blazingly faster

ThePrimeagen commented 1 year ago

sorry, sticking with tailwind.

its optional, if you want your own, put it in yourself

icarusgk commented 1 year ago

Damn they cooked my boy with the dislikes, don't worry my G, I support you 🥲

ThePrimeagen commented 1 year ago

i don't want to cook him!

i just don't want to use Uno ;)

Re4GD commented 1 year ago

file based routing:

I really like nextjs' file based router for clarity. But routing is not typesafe I don't like the style of tanstack router/react-router-dom (opiniated, creating a gigantic router config is not for me). But routing is typesafe

If we are going for a basic router I would suggest going with the file based If we are going for a complex router with caching, suspense, typesafety, then tanstack router style would be better

I don't know anything about rust lol but I like typesafety and clarity, so the selected solution should be stupid simple