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Update CODEOWNERS #195

Closed Spongman closed 1 year ago

Spongman commented 1 year ago

adding myself to cpp

vhladko commented 1 year ago

@nicdgonzalez are you fine with that ? :)

nicdgonzalez commented 1 year ago

@vhladko @Spongman


I propose an alternative where we move the project currently in cpp into a new directory called cpp-spongman and make Spongman the code owner for that directory.


At the beginning of the repo, I was originally the maintainer for the cpp directory. At the time of Spongman's initial pull request, there were no languages that had more than one directory. Because Spongman's implementation of the interpreter was more complete than mine, I approved of the request as I felt it was a better representative for C++ than what I originally had. Since then, more projects have been added, with some being alternative implementations to an existing language (e.g. c and c-boreddad, the rust projects, csharp and csharp2, etc.).

The naming convention for alternatives tend to follow the pattern of either lang# or lang-username. I propose moving the current cpp project to a new directory named cpp-spongman (or cpp2) so I can continue with my implementation in cpp and Spongman can be the code owner for their own implementation.

@Spongman, any questions or objections, please let me know. Thank you.

Spongman commented 1 year ago

the diffs would be less if you just added your version add cpp-.... i doubt we're going to rebase master...

nicdgonzalez commented 1 year ago

I would prefer if we kept it consistent with the other languages and create a new directory for rewrites. It’s really how we should have done it from the beginning and it’s not too late to do it now.

Spongman commented 1 year ago

how's your version coming along, btw? i didn't see a fork with your original code in it.

vhladko commented 1 year ago

@Spongman, @nicdgonzalez I agree with a statement that second created version should go with a prefix. But I also think, that one folder doesn't mean one man works on it and ideally we should have code owner and contributors :) So, if you guys feel that it will be easier for you both go with seaprate folders, then @Spongman I'll ask you to create a folder with prefix for your and make yourself a codeowner, but if you feel that you can complete each other in one perfect folder, then we can keep it as single folder :)

Spongman commented 1 year ago

i'm fine with that, it's just that >90% of the git history of the /cpp directory is the code that's currently there. moving that is going to mess with that history. I also have a rather large PR waiting to be approved...

vhladko commented 1 year ago

Hm, maybe I misunderstood something, I thought that @nicdgonzalez wanted to keep cpp in state that it is right now, and you in your second PR with additional changes, gonna copy cpp folder and just rename, and gonna have cpp folder + your changes from second PR and you as codeowner of new repo for future work. Did I misunderstood it ?

Spongman commented 1 year ago

gonna copy cpp folder

that's going to break the history on those files.

vhladko commented 1 year ago

so, we gonna have old history in an original cpp folder, and like, one commit for your new folder, I understand but then I don't understand what is your proposal to @nicdgonzalez add his version, do you mean to create a new one from scratch ?

Spongman commented 1 year ago

I have updated my omnibus commit with a rename from cpp to cpp-spongman:

not entirely sure why the guy that doesn't want to collaborate gets to kick

vhladko commented 1 year ago

Okay, then I'll close this one, and as @nicdgonzalez to review your updated if he is okay with that, cause I see you deleted some files from cpp folder

Spongman commented 1 year ago

there were no files of @nicdgonzalez left in that folder. I'm not entirely sure why the guy who doesn't want to collaborate gets to push other around, but hey...

Spongman commented 1 year ago

yeah, i did a git mv cpp cpp-spongman. if you want the original cpp directory back, i suggest retrieving it from the git history. there's nothing in there now that's the same as it was.

Spongman commented 1 year ago

also, remember github doesn't show renames correctly. look at the git logs:

commit dd1ccecec8c40b591b7c9e0541088506778c802d
Author: Spongman <>
Date:   Tue Jun 6 00:26:32 2023 -0700

    rename cpp->cpp-spongman

diff --git a/cpp/.dockerignore b/cpp-spongman/.dockerignore
similarity index 100%
rename from cpp/.dockerignore
rename to cpp-spongman/.dockerignore
diff --git a/cpp/.editorconfig b/cpp-spongman/.editorconfig
similarity index 100%
rename from cpp/.editorconfig
rename to cpp-spongman/.editorconfig
diff --git a/cpp/.gitignore b/cpp-spongman/.gitignore
similarity index 100%
rename from cpp/.gitignore
rename to cpp-spongman/.gitignore
vhladko commented 1 year ago

oh, I see now, I've missed that you just renamed and not copied folder