Closed Fa-C-Shus closed 1 year ago
I haz sadz. Yesterday I struggled to resolve an issue of docker-build not working. I finally discovered the issue in that I use a bin directory for the executables, but that is a magic folder in Dockerlandia.
With no infra changes I now have another odd pr-worthy issue.
Run for i in dart-funk "dart-funk; do if [[ $i != . ]]; then pushd "$i"; make docker-build; popd; fi; done for i in dart-funk "dart-funk; do if [[ $i != . ]]; then pushd "$i"; make docker-build; popd; fi; done shell: /usr/bin/bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail {0} /home/runner/work/_temp/ line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' Error: Process completed with exit code 2.
It appears that the yaml is incorrectly quote escaping the command.
Gnna retry the PR
@vhladko can you peek at my docker file. This works on my machine but fails PR worthy. Resolved: bin is a magic directory in docker so I changed the name