As the SMART product owner, I need a lightweight nuisance challenge so that every 5 minutes of inactivity in the app will result in the data on the screen being blocked
Screen would appear like a popup (see 'Actions' modal as an example)
Popup would cover the central portion of the app screen and therefore no information can be viewed.
Popup can be dismissed by entering a 4 digit challenge
4 digit challenge can be entered 4 times before app logs out the user, destroying the session. Number of remaining attempts can be shown if necessary.
4 digit code would be controlled by backend so that a IT admin can use the web admin to set new codes when a service provider forgets her/his code.
App would have to get the current code from the backend at login so that it can use it to compare with PINs entered by the user.
When a user enters in a correct PIN, the overlay screen disappears and the user is left on the screen they were originally on when the timeout occured.
As the SMART product owner, I need a lightweight nuisance challenge so that every 5 minutes of inactivity in the app will result in the data on the screen being blocked