TheProductWorks / SMART-android-app

Android version of the SMART Care Tool for the Community Midwifery team in The National Maternity Hospital, Holles Street.
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Put a splash screen on login to remind about confidentiality and security. #6

Open Wogiebear opened 8 years ago

Wogiebear commented 8 years ago


As part of the Risk Assessment for ISO27001, a control put in place to deal with the risk of mis-use of the phone is to remind users of their responsibilities to manage the phones and the data on the app. It was suggested that the app can popup a reminder about confidentiality and security.

It would be a big nuisance factor and barrier to effectiveness if the reminder appeared each time the midwife logged on to the app. In addition, having the warning appear in the exact same place and exact same time will result in user muscle-memory just clicking without reading, thus reducing the effectiveness of the message altogether.

It would be more effective if we found some way to stagger the reminder appearing. What if it appeared every N logins where N is a random generated integer between 2 and 10?

The reminder can appear as a popup dialog over the 'home' screen after the user has logged in. It must be acknowledged and dismissed by the user by clicking an "I am responsible" button. (The text of the button is an effort to drive the user to ask "What the hell am I responsible for?" and read the preceding text, in contrast to a standard 'OK' button)

otormaigh commented 8 years ago

This feature is added in Pull Requeat #13

On first app launch the user is presented with a screen that will contain the relevat text for them to review along with two buttons at the bottom. A positive and negative button styled in the relevant call to action and not call to action used throughout the app.

If the user selects the positive button it will bring them to the login screen. if they select the negative button it will close the app.

Also add a checker to only display this screen if it hasn't already done so in the current day. Can be changed to random times throughout the day.
