TheProlog / prolog-use_cases

Use-case layer for Meldd/Prolog application.
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Reimplement `Publish New Article` Use Case. #73

Closed jdickey closed 7 years ago

jdickey commented 8 years ago

If we had any sense, this is the point at which we'd stop working on this Gem for a while, spin up a new single-use-case Gem called, say, prolog-use_cases-publish_new_article, make the old Gem dependent on the new one, and progress along the path set by Issue #68 and its related spec.

If we had any sense, and if we had a GitHub plan with spare private repo slots (or a corporate plan, which has unlimited private repos), we would. After all, if the code changes once (after a Gem incor­por­ating it is cut, as 0.3.0 included PublishNewArticle), it can change again. Best to isolate those changes away from any possible interference with other random use cases and support code. Elim­in­ate collateral damage and all that.

And yet...that's probably not how this is going to go down, is it? We'll write a new PublishNewArticle use case in place of the old, and go on from there. And everything will probably Just Keep Working.


jdickey commented 7 years ago

This turned out to have a few more delays and complications than simply standing up the "revision Gem" prolog-use_cases-publish-new-article (henceforth in this comment, "PNA") should visibly have, but we're back in the hunt. As it turns out, several changes need to be made to the existing code base for this Gem;

Non-trivial, but straightforward.

jdickey commented 7 years ago

Interesting bug in prolog-entities-result-base Gem as packaged, prompting new release 0.1.1 of that Gem. See TheProlog/prolog-entities-result-base#1 and Gem Release 0.1.1 announcement for the gory details.