TheProlog / prolog-use_cases

Use-case layer for Meldd/Prolog application.
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Dry::Types isn't handling default settings correctly. #80

Open jdickey opened 7 years ago

jdickey commented 7 years ago

dry-types Version 0.8.x, before Dry::Types::Struct was broken out into a new Gem and named Dry::Struct as part of an otherwise-sensible cleanup, had default values working as documented. This evidently broke in Version 0.9.0, and 0.9.1 was apparently a partial but incomplete fix for this. Either that or the mechanism for declaring defaults has changed, the old syntax has been left as a nonfunctional dunsel, and we're up the brown creek without a paddle, approaching the falls.

To those who say "Use the source, Luke", we say "not when there is documentation as comprehensive as currently exists; this vendor has been heretofore reasonably good at keeping doc updated as code changes, and we expect that to continue".

This issue is a placeholder for referencing in FIXME comments in the code, for places where we've utilised the workaround of specifying explicit values that should be covered by defaults.

We are not happy campers here.