TheQwertiest / foo_discord_rich

foobar2000 component for integration with Discord Rich Presence
MIT License
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Change "Playing" to "Listening to" #2

Closed supra107 closed 1 month ago

supra107 commented 5 years ago

I have noticed that it is possible to change it to this, and I think it would fit better, considering some translations implicate "Playing" as playing a game, for example in the Polish translation "Playing" is translated to "W grze" which means "Ingame", and that doesn't make sense.

TheQwertiest commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, I can do nothing about - it's a limitation of Discord API. I wish I could make this plugin look the same as Spotify integration, but, alas, Discord developers are not yet ready to give such tools to 3rd parties =(

Dogeisbest commented 5 years ago

@supra107 you actually can't do that right now. The only possible way (as @TheQwertiest said) is Spotify. You can do "Listening to" and "Watching" but only with bots, and self-botting is against Discord's ToS, so you cannot do so. image image

TheQwertiest commented 5 years ago

Closing the issue, since nothing can be done here.

TheQwertiest commented 4 years ago

Somewhat related: #6

MrMightyNighty commented 3 years ago

Discord RPC is deprecated in favor of GameSDK. "Replacement functionality for the Rich Presence SDK can be found in the Activity Manager of that SDK."

With the new SDK it is possible to change the activity to "Listening"

TheQwertiest commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the tip!

miitchel commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the tip!

do you think it will be added?

kotflinte commented 3 years ago

would like to now too


Jean-The-Creator commented 3 years ago

When will this be in the plugin?

LLinoor commented 3 years ago

GameSDK allows to define an activity type (Play, Listen, Watch, ...) but for now the feature is not supported. The feature is in the documentation since 2019 but still not usable in 2021, so I think we can wait a long time

Source: discord/gamesdk-and-dispatch#49 and discord/discord-api-docs#1002

TheQwertiest commented 3 years ago

Yup, that's the same conclusion I've reached. This SDK doesn't give any more relevant features than the SDK used in the component. All extra features are all about more fine-grained monitoring of Discord events, but there are no additional features for modifying the Rich Presence.

codefreak558 commented 2 years ago

Hi I took on how you'd be able to change it from "Playing" to "Listening" and what I found in the Game SDK is a Data Module that handles the type of Rich Presence that will appear in discord.

This is taken from the Discord Game SDK

ActivityType Enum

name | Value -- | -- Playing | 0 Streaming | 1 Listening | 2 Watching | 3 Custom | 4 Competing | 5
BobbyWibowo commented 2 years ago

^ The same documentation says this under the table:

ActivityType is strictly for the purpose of handling events that you receive from Discord; though the SDK/our API will not reject a payload with an ActivityType sent, it will be discarded and will not change anything in the client.

tunip3 commented 3 months ago

I modified ciders vencord plugin to add support for doing this with the extension

tunip3 commented 3 months ago


shirafukayayoi commented 3 months ago

I modified ciders vencord plugin to add support for doing this with the extension

Hello. I tried to find out how to achieve the above status. In order to achieve this status, you need to download a software called "Vencord" that almost violates Discord's terms and conditions. The reason why you need to download it is to use "richerCider" in Vencord's Plugin. This seems to automatically change the status of the specified application ID to "Playing music". If you look at the original code, it seems to use a technique used in a software called "cider". "" It may be possible to create a plug-in that allows you to "play music" without using Vencord by using "cider" technology. I don't have much knowledge, so it might be difficult to make one, but I'd like to try some. *This text uses Google Translate.

postscript It seems that cider has an API.

It seems that a similar feature has been added to a Chrome extension called premid. How to change your discord status to "Watching Youtube" might be useful. ↓

It appears that premid has received permission from the discord staff and is using a special API

image image image

Otuxam3 commented 1 month ago

Hello everyone, I come with good news (just like for album art issue haha). is about to get merged (in a matter of days I guess?) making it easier and without hacks like Vencord and the like.

GameSDK being the one deprecated and probably even discontinued instead of the original RPC API, the command is as simple as adding the type: 2 in activity object.

If this allows for the time bar to also appear... that'd be awesome but it's just me dreaming here.

TheQwertiest commented 1 month ago

Great find! And this time it does actually work! image