TheR1D / shell_gpt

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Integration tests refactoring #419

Closed LeuschkeTressa closed 5 months ago

LeuschkeTressa commented 6 months ago

I was considering contributing some refactoring of the integration tests; something like speeding them up (there's some low hanging fruit there), adding some structure, dropping the unittest imports in favour of pytest functionality and incorporating some other testing best practices. I also see a possibility of reducing the test code LOC (without testing less).

Would such a PR be welcome?

If so, any other guidelines/preferences around the tests that could be useful for me to know in advance?


TheR1D commented 6 months ago

Would be great to refactor current tests, since they are not well written. LOC code optimisations are always welcome. There are few resources might be usefull:

We also have a unit test module where we can add more tests with mocked responses (as OpenAI tests).