TheR1D / shell_gpt

A command-line productivity tool powered by AI large language models like GPT-4, will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently.
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Make pipx the default installation method #434

Closed grantcarthew closed 5 months ago

grantcarthew commented 6 months ago

I noticed very little support for pipx:

I could be wrong here, I'm not an expert, but I thought pipx was becoming the default method for installing executable packages for Python.

If this statement is correct, the readme should be updated and other issues like this one addressed.

Thanks for your work on this project. It is fantastic.

TheR1D commented 5 months ago

Hi @grantcarthew, thank you for interest and suggestion. While pipx is growing in use, pip remains the standard and most widely used package manager in the Python community. Thank you again for your interest in the project.