TheR1D / shell_gpt

A command-line productivity tool powered by AI large language models like GPT-4, will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently.
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Embedded .mov file not playing in version 1.1.0 update changelog #435

Closed b9Joker108 closed 5 months ago

b9Joker108 commented 5 months ago


I just wanted to thank you and the other developers who have worked on this project. It is wonderful!

In addition, the embedded .mov file is not playing in the version 1.1.0 update changelog. I have the newest version of .mov installed and I tried to play the embedded video in two different browsers, one of them said: file corrupt. I thought that you might want to know.

Also, I just executed: ’sgpt --install-functions’ and my shell outputted:

Installing default functions... Installed /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.config/shell_gpt/functions/ Installing Linux functions...

But then noted, the documentation says that this is only specifically to execute Apple Scripts on macOS. I am running Android, could we please have this functionality for Android as well in the next version?

I tried to execute: sgpt -functions anyway to see if it would switch it on anyway, but I got the output error: No such option: -f.

Cheers Beauford

TheR1D commented 5 months ago

sgpt --install-functions will install functions for specifc OS you are using. For instance if you are using Linux, it will install functions that will work on Linux environment. More details on

Closing this issue due to its age and the absence of similar reports.