TheR1D / shell_gpt

A command-line productivity tool powered by AI large language models like GPT-4, will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently.
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Generate `--repl` and `--chat` tags automatically #562

Open jeanlucthumm opened 1 month ago

jeanlucthumm commented 1 month ago

One annoying part of sgpt workflow right now is having to come up with conversation tags beforehand. Things like ChatGPT web UI will title the conversations automatically so there's no toil on the user side.

We could auto-gen the tag based on the first prompt. Picturing something like

$ sgpt --auto --chat "Is tomato really a fruit?"
Autotag: fruit_discussion

Yes, a tomato is scientifically classified as a fruit because it develops from the ovary of a flower...
ldelossa commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, chatblade does this well. Any convo outside of a 'session' is in some pseudo session. You can always refer to the last pseudo-session by just providing "-l" assumingly for 'last-session'.

jeanlucthumm commented 2 weeks ago

Just checked out chatblade. I think that's the move -- default to being in the temp repl and then give some option to save it under an actual tag. At that point we have the conversation history to generate the tag and if not the user can still set their own tag