TheRandomLabs / RandomTweaks

A bunch of miscellaneous tweaks for Minecraft.
MIT License
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have you forget sign the jar? #29

Closed arnesacnussem closed 6 years ago

arnesacnussem commented 6 years ago

image want to run that on a forge server,but as the pic says. tried update,but nothing help

image and nothing wrong with file md5

TheRandomLabs commented 6 years ago

I've tried to fix this issue before, but I'll look into it again. It's nothing urgent as long as it doesn't crash.

arnesacnussem commented 6 years ago

you're right, but is there an easy way to skip forge signature verify?

seems the verify fail only occurred on forge server,not on forge client?

TheRandomLabs commented 6 years ago

The error also occurs on the client; you can see in the log. EDIT: This is fixed in RandomTweaks 1.12.2-