TheRealBeef / Beefs-Shader-Based-NVGs

Beefs Shader Based NVGs
4 stars 1 forks source link

Feature: Glitch effect with low battery / low condition / on hit - Also expanding damage mechanic #7

Open TheRealBeef opened 2 years ago

TheRealBeef commented 2 years ago

Can we have separate item condition and battery level? I dunno

At least, on hit or on low battery cause glitch effect for some amount of time

TheRealBeef commented 2 years ago

let grenades, anomalies and critical damage attacks have a chance at damaging the side of your equipment you usually take for granted: NVGs, PDAs, flashlights, detectors.

This would make them less of a permanent one-off purchases you take for granted, turning them instead into good succeptible to damage as any other in sometimes very undesirable situations (night escapade far from home where you take a critical hit into your NVGs).

While implementing damage system to those items similar to weapons may be difficult (I don't know, it's a semi-educated guess), two simple alternatives would be to either make such item completely despawn from player inventory (destroyed... puff!) or simply making them loose all their battery charge whenever a check for damage comes back positive.

I always disliked how those things were a one off - once you had them you took them for granted for the remainder of the game, risk-free.