TheRealGD / therealgd

Postmill-GD - Fork of Postmill - social link aggregator/forums-website with voting and threaded comments.
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Analytics #17

Closed psineur closed 6 years ago

psineur commented 6 years ago

We don't want to measure everything or dig deep into heatmaps, etc. But IMO we want the number of forum views / unique visitors/ DAU/MAU from Day One.

I think this could be pretty easily done with Google Analytics and TrackingID coming from Config/Env.

For actual implementation - we can just modify templates for posts and forums and provide forum name / submission url as a param to event / page-view.

GA Debug extension for chrome can be of great help. Should be moderately easy task for someone familiar with gtag.

psineur commented 6 years ago

This will be upforgrabs for at least few days - this task is great opportunity even for students / almost complete noobs to help. Mention @psineur for codereview.

If no one picks this up - I will take it after main devops/organization issues are worked on and pretty much almost before MVP release.

psineur commented 6 years ago

@TKsM151 started this in #24

We still need to needle-through the 'ga-1234-id' string from env->app->twig.

P.S. You can mention issues in commits with #24 as well - then they will appear in the log of the issue. Something like

 git commit -m "Finish google analytics. Closes #17" 

will appear here and close the issue when merged.

zoidbergjesus commented 6 years ago

Happy to help out with this one. Analytics/Data Engineering in my wheelhouse

psineur commented 6 years ago

this is not implemented yet fully - we need to pass tracking from config/env.

@zoidbergjesus you're on it. Please accept org invite on and assign yourself to this issue. Thank You!

TKsM151 commented 6 years ago

also, PM me in discord some Gmail addresses to add to the analytics platform

DEVxALMIGHTY commented 6 years ago

I'm having a look around @ Google Analytics now - I'm blown away. Soo much valuable data here ... well, there will be once we actually get some real users.

DEVxALMIGHTY commented 6 years ago

Does this require any wiring on our end? Or does GA handle everything ?

TKsM151 commented 6 years ago

Unaversal tags work as is with the basic tag.

There is more advanced shut we can do like gtm and custom events but that's future shut and would require some input from marketing types on where and how to target.

TKsM151 commented 6 years ago

Sorry my spelling sucks

TKsM151 commented 6 years ago

Also, server side stats you'd have to refer to one of the backend gus as to whats best, they can log and dump images to a page I think.

psineur commented 6 years ago

I think our current gtag is good enough for v1.

psineur commented 6 years ago

165 for future non-MVP analytics