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SG Series Part 4: Specular Lighting From an SG Light Source #13

Open utterances-bot opened 10 months ago

utterances-bot commented 10 months ago

SG Series Part 4: Specular Lighting From an SG Light Source

alakhag commented 10 months ago

The normalization of NDF causes NDF to be greater than 1. This will eventually cause Specular BRDF to be greater than 1 for some m. Do you define a maximum cap of 1 in this case? Because my understanding is that Specular BRDF should be less than or equal to 1.

TheRealMJP commented 10 months ago

Hey @alakhag, a well-defined BRDF integrates to 1 if you were to sum up all outgoing lighting over all view directions on the hemisphere. This does not mean that the NDF must be <= 1 for any combination of N and H, nor does it mean that result of the specular BRDF must be <= 1 for any given combination of L/N/V vectors. It just means that the total amount of energy being reflected in all directions must be less than or equal to the incoming energy.