TheRealMJP /

Backing repo for my blog
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Hello, Hugo #2

Open utterances-bot opened 5 years ago

utterances-bot commented 5 years ago

Hello, Hugo


Rashmatash commented 5 years ago

Hi, Let me test your comment section by saying how much migrating your old posts and your work in general is appreciated! Keep up the fantastic work!

sp0lsh commented 5 years ago

Thank you for description of the migration process. Site is clear and works blazingly fast. Bottom bar could be always visible though - now I am forcing it by scrolling the page.

TheRealMJP commented 5 years ago

@sp0lsh yeah I agree, the bottom bar moving up and down doesn't seem to be worth the annoyance. I'm going to see if I can modify the theme to keep the bar up all of the time.

popescualexandrucristian commented 5 years ago

Hi, the new site looks good, will you have a form of email notifications for when you post new content, like you had on wordpress ?

TheRealMJP commented 5 years ago

Honestly, I hadn't thought about that. I suppose you could add a watch on the source github repo, which would send you a notification whenever I push a change there. Alternatively there seem to be a few free services that will monitor an RSS feed and send you an email, but I've never used any of those personally so I can't vouch for them.

Celeborn2BeAlive commented 5 years ago

Nice move, Hugo is amazing and so easy to use :) Now I'm curious about utterances, I might try it to replace Disqus in my next static website. Also I saw you forgot to update the link to your website on your Github account, it's still the wordpress one.

TheRealMJP commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I totally forgot about that link on my GitHub profile!

tuket commented 2 years ago

I also use hugo for my blog, it's great! I didn't know about utterances, I think I will add it to my blog as well. Let me just test if images work as well: doge