TheRealSyler / vscode-sass-indented

Sass indented syntax support for VSCode
43 stars 9 forks source link


Closed OreotheCookie closed 1 year ago

OreotheCookie commented 1 year ago

IMPORTANT: if the bug is related to the formatter please open the issue in the formatter repo

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

The bug is that there are not values appearing. For Ex in color: blue ; blue wont be recognized. I liked the old sass better. The new update SUCKS! Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If you add screen shots of code, please also paste the code as text so that i can just copy the code and reproduce the bug.

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

TheRealSyler commented 1 year ago

well that sucks for you, im kinda busy rn, but you can fix it if you want to, i believe in you, buddy.

OreotheCookie commented 1 year ago

well that sucks for you, im kinda busy rn, but you can fix it if you want to, i believe in you, buddy.

Yeah buddy how do I do that?(Im serious)

But seriously, just make .sass a copy of .scss

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, I'm really sorry. I used scss not .sass, so I might have thought .scss got updated in a horrible way.

TheRealSyler commented 1 year ago

for this extension you need to update to include all color words like red.