TheRealSyler / vscode-sass-indented

Sass indented syntax support for VSCode
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No Sticky Scroll (And no outline view) #109

Open plagasul opened 1 year ago

plagasul commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug VSCode ships with a new feature named 'Sticky Scroll' that does not work in my environment with .sass files.

As explained in this issue, a contributor suggests the problem lays in this extension rather than in VsCode itself, and that the fact that the outline view is empty is proof of this.

Certainly, .sass files are the only files that do not work with 'Sticky Scroll' or that do not show anything in outline view.

To Reproduce Activate Sticky Scroll, test with a .sass file.

Expected behavior Rule start lines stick to the top of the editor, helping with scope.

TheRealSyler commented 1 year ago

Im currently not implementing new features, I'll keep this open In case I or someone else wants to work on it in the future, prs are always welcome.