TheRealSyler / vscode-sass-indented

Sass indented syntax support for VSCode
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Add emmet Abbreviations #114

Open GitUser200607 opened 1 year ago

GitUser200607 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug I am trying to quick type "margin-bottom: 19px" So I type "mb19", but there is no a suggestion

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: type "mb19"

Expected behavior Emmet has to suggest "margin-bottom: 19px"

Screenshots CSS:




Additional context Is there any settings to enable this? Because if I don't type numbers, suggestions are working: 2022-11-18_14-18-12

TheRealSyler commented 1 year ago

this feature is not implemented and im currently not adding new features, if you want to you can make a pr to add the feature.

TheRealSyler commented 1 year ago

you can try my sass-next extension but its not maintained and somewhat buggy, that extension has a similar feature to use it you need to type ? then you will get an input and the you can see al the options based on you current input as a comment above you cursor.

as an example if you type ? then mb 10px, br 5px then enter you will get

margin-bottom: 10px 
border-right: 5px 

but as i said its buggy sometimes it deletes the code above and or below, you can just use undo but im letting you know so you don't get confused.