TheRealSyler / vscode-sass-indented

Sass indented syntax support for VSCode
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How to install #78

Closed geoidesic closed 3 years ago

geoidesic commented 3 years ago

Sorry if I'm being stupid but I can't figure out how to install this.

The readme says, "paste this into the command palette: ext install sass-indented". However I don't know what a command pallette might be. I googled it and also found it in the help section of vscode. However what I get is basically an autocomplete dropdown with a greater than symbol in it at the top of vs-code. If I copy and paste ext install sass-indented into there, nothing happens except that it says no matching commands.

So I'm a bit lost.

TheRealSyler commented 3 years ago

have a look at this article, you don't need to install extensions via the command pallet.