TheRealSyler / vscode-sass-indented

Sass indented syntax support for VSCode
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npm package path linking and autocomplete issue #80

Open brewster1134 opened 3 years ago

brewster1134 commented 3 years ago

we noticed when using @import/@use for sass partials, the link to the path is not clickable. i found a few different solutions, but all have some drawbacks. the issues being unable to type and browse for the file to autocomplete the path and/or unable to cmd+click on the link to open the file.

i am trying to emulate the pathing capabilities available with the js & ts extensions

// relative path
// autocomplete: YES
// clickable: YES
@import '../../pathto/sass'
@import './pathto/sass'

// in sass load paths
// autocomplete: NO
// clickable: NO
@import 'pathto/sass'

// npm package prefixed
// autocomplete: NO
// clickable: NO
@import '@package/pathto/sass'

// npm package prefixed with deprecated tilde
// autocomplete: NO
// clickable: YES
@import '~@package/pathto/sass'

is this a known issue, and is it a feature scoped for a future release? thanks

TheRealSyler commented 3 years ago

i am not adding new features at the moment, maybe in the future but don't count on it.

brewster1134 commented 3 years ago

fair enough :) ...
so i am unfamiliar with vscode extension development, and tried looking at how to implement this support, but wasn't very successful. if you know of any resources and/or where in the extension this support would go, i would be interested in looking into it and maybe sending a pull request your way

TheRealSyler commented 3 years ago

are you using the .scss syntax?, this extension is only for the .sass syntax.

if you use the .scss syntax then this is the wrong repo, the .scss extension is part of the vscode repo and i think its maintained by the core vscode team, so if you want to improve this feature you need to open a new issue in the vscode repo.

TheRealSyler commented 3 years ago

also related to #40