TheRealSyler / vscode-sass-indented

Sass indented syntax support for VSCode
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Block comment format #91

Closed aaron-bond closed 2 years ago

aaron-bond commented 2 years ago

Hi, I maintain

I'm working on a feature at the minute where I pull the comment syntax from the loaded extensions, instead of having my own proprietary list of the comment tags.

I've noticed that this extensions contributes block comments in the format: /** blah blah **/ and was wondering what the reason for this is?

As stated in the Sass documentation, the block format is /* blah blah */. Why the discrepancy?


TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

im not sure, i don't remember why i changed that, i will fix it in the next version.

ive been using your extension for a couple of years, thanks for making it, small things can really improve the coding experience.

aaron-bond commented 2 years ago

Many thanks!