TheRealSyler / vscode-sass-indented

Sass indented syntax support for VSCode
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Allow for spaces between names and : #94

Open 7keo opened 2 years ago

7keo commented 2 years ago

Currently, if you type an identifier like this

name: value

it gets picked up by the syntax highliter.

But if you type

name : value


name    : value

it does not get picked up, even though it's valid syntax.

Also, for variables, the same occurs

$name: value

is fine, but

$name : value

is not picked up.

Please note that the ":" should be parsed as an operator (its own token), and not as part of the id name. This seems to currently be the case with name: value, name : value, and $name : value but not with $name: value.

Keep in mind that number of tabs and spaces allowed should be arbitrary, ie: [\s\t]* if I'm correct.

Have a great day!

TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

i also noticed that but i never looked into it, im currently only fixing bugs so if you want you can make a pr, otherwise this might take a while.