TheRealSyler / vscode-sass-indented

Sass indented syntax support for VSCode
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VSCODE freezes in Sass files with more than 1000 lines of code when trying to load hints #95

Open xanderwill opened 2 years ago

xanderwill commented 2 years ago

Some strange behavior started a few days ago. Over 1000 lines of code in Sass files hangs VSCODE when trying to load tooltips. To reproduce the error, it is enough to write, for example, "w > Tab", after which Tab stops working, file saving and the program starts to slow down.

TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

i can't reproduce the issue, it works for me Untitled .

TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

just in case are you working with .scss files?

xanderwill commented 2 years ago

just in case are you working with .scss files?

Thanks for the help!

I am working with .sass files. The screenshot shows that when you press Tab after the "w", the download starts and nothing else happens.

Screenshot from the link:

xanderwill commented 2 years ago

It was possible to find out that the hang occurs in files more than 1000 lines.

xanderwill commented 2 years ago

I managed to find out the reason: if I remove "//=require ", then everything works, but I need this connection.

UPD: It breaks if any comment is at the very top of the page.


TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

pretty weird behavior, i couldn't reproduce it even with the "//=require" you might have another extension that causes this issue, if you still experience the problem, you can send me the link to the project that you are working on (only if its open source) or create a small project with the issue so that i can clone it.

TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

also this issue belongs to the extension repo and not the formatter repo, im going to transfer it.

xanderwill commented 2 years ago

also this issue belongs to the extension repo and not the formatter repo, im going to transfer it.

I created an open repository with a single index.sass file, into which I copied the text from the working site and where the same problem is observed. OR

List of my extensions: image

Settings: image

TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

thanks for making the example, i can kind of reproduce the issue, but i have no idea why it happens, i don't get any errors and im not even sure that my extension is the problem since it might just be vscode that doesn't like large files, ill leave this issue open, but im not going to fix it, because i don't have the time to spend on a bug that is this hard to find.

if you want to fix it yourself i always accept good pr's.

xanderwill commented 2 years ago

Thanks for trying to help, I also don't understand why this suddenly happened.