TheRealSyler / vscode-sass-indented

Sass indented syntax support for VSCode
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Syntax error reported when using `@at-rule` with/without syntax. #97

Closed JoshuaSand0val closed 2 years ago

JoshuaSand0val commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Whenever using the @at-root syntax to exclude certain media query features, VS Code reports a syntax error when there is not one.

To Reproduce Copy the code attached below, or write a simple @at-root declaration using the with/without syntax. If you are just recently aware of this feature as I was, documentation here:

Expected behavior No error being reported.


.at-root-without {
    @at-root (without: media) {
        color: red;
TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

this extension is for .sass only, please open your issue in the vscode repo.