TheRealSyler / vscode-sass-indented

Sass indented syntax support for VSCode
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Autocomplete does not support new CSS features #98

Closed gnehs closed 2 years ago

gnehs commented 2 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Some new css features are not supported by autocomplete, such as aspect-ratio, backdrop-filter ...etc

Describe the solution you'd like Please update the

Describe alternatives you've considered It might be possible to use the CSS autocomplete data directly from VSCode?

Additional context

TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

Thanks for letting me know, i knew this would happen someday, i don't have the time to update them right now, if you want to you can do it and i will merge the pr.

you can get the data from here but you can't just merge or replace the file since the format is different and it would break the extension. you would need to rewrite a small part of the extension or transform the data to what the extension expects. there are some props in the extension data that are not in the mdn data, but you can probably just ignore them since they are very likely deprecated.

Mitchman215 commented 2 years ago

I'm gonna try to tackle this and a few other updates in my fork, I'll create a pull request when it's ready to merge.

Mitchman215 commented 2 years ago

@TheRealSyler Do you know where the data used to generate the came from originally? The mdn data repo you linked doesn't have descriptions or listed possible values for each of the properties, information which seems to be somewhat important for displaying documentation with this extension.

TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

@Mitchman215 i added the mdn data to the the data that was there before i took over the extension, i think they got it from some microsoft project but im not sure, if you really want to know you need to look at the commit history.

TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

@Mitchman215 you could write a script that merges the current mdn data or maybe we need to find some other source for the data.

TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

@Mitchman215 i think this is the original data.

TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

i just looked at the linked issue and the new commits, it seems like you already figured it out, when your ready make a pr, ill review and merge it, thanks for spending the the time to do this.

TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

Fixed by #99