TheRealSyler / vscode-sass-indented

Sass indented syntax support for VSCode
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Updated CSS property autocompletion and other misc changes #99

Closed Mitchman215 closed 2 years ago

Mitchman215 commented 2 years ago

@TheRealSyler Addresses #98. I added a package script update-css that pulls css data from @vscode/web-custom-data, so hopefully this will make it easy to keep the data up to date. Currently, it only uses the properties data, but it also pulls in pseudo-elements/classes and at-rules, so that could be used in the future too. I also added a useNewData field to the "autcomplete.utility.ts" file that can revert to using the old css data if you want. One last thing: I updated the dependencies in order to get the project to run for me and I added eslint for some linting. If you want me to change anything, just let me know.

Mitchman215 commented 2 years ago

Sorry this took a while! I have been preoccupied with other things and am still getting used to typescript and vscode's API. That being said, I enjoyed working on this and would be interested in working more on this project. I have a few ideas that I can talk to you about if you are interested (I'm not sure how much you are still working on this project). I noticed the "sass-lsp" branch, is that a language server implementation?

TheRealSyler commented 2 years ago

no worries, we all have stuff to do, you have all the time in the world.

feel free to add any feature you want, if i don't think it fits the extension you can just copy and paste it into a new extension like i did with my sass-next extension.

im no longer working on the sass-lsp branch(or any new features) and i don't remember what i wanted to do with it.

thanks for taking the time to contribute.

Mitchman215 commented 2 years ago

@TheRealSyler Thanks for the feedback, I fixed all the things you made comments about. I also made autocomplete use the new pseudo class/elements data. Let me know if theres anything else I need to address before this is merged.