TheRedBrain / food-overhaul

MIT License
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Support for Mod Foods #1

Open NarwhalAndMe opened 5 days ago

NarwhalAndMe commented 5 days ago

Is it possible for you to add support for mod food by generating stats for food through the saturation values? It would require tuning of the algorithm used to create the values in order to maintain balance, but it would fix the problem of having to customize every single vanilla food within the mod itself, and also create support for mods which change the saturation values of vanilla food as well.

TheRedBrain commented 5 days ago


I would love to add support for mod food!

But since I use a unique status effect for each food item, it's not really possible (in a realistic amount of time) to add that kind of support. That will hopefully change when status effects become data-driven. which I expect to happen in the 1.21.x update cycle.

Data-driven status effects would allow to relatively easily add mod support using data packs and would also allow simple customization of existing effects.

I don't know how to even begin designing an algorithm that determines an interesting food effect only based on existing saturation values. The whole point of this overhaul is to create interesting and diverse food and that requires manual balancing imo.