Integrate debugging into vim, like in an IDE.
Mainly for cpp and python.
temporary solution: :Termdebug command. uses gdb inside of vim, but only supports the basics, and its nearly like using plain gdb, just with the output in a different window and the code shown in a vim window.
might use:
some coc extension: maybe a port from vscode.
vimspector: mainly supports cpp and python.
Made for self usage so not very mature and not a hell lot of support.
Still isnt supporting neovim (but will soon).
Doesnt fully support windows - (cant use at work).
I might need to contribute to make this work for me. Its python code.
:Termdebug + .gdbinit: if nothing else works, for cpp debugging i might just twick gdb a little bit with a .gdbinit (like gdb-dashboard) and use :Termdebug to watch everything in vim.
termdbg: a minimal debugger plugin for python (also for go and cpp but without gdb).
Integrate debugging into vim, like in an IDE. Mainly for cpp and python.
temporary solution: :Termdebug command. uses gdb inside of vim, but only supports the basics, and its nearly like using plain gdb, just with the output in a different window and the code shown in a vim window.
might use: