TheRosettaFoundation / SOLAS-Match

Self-managed translation project interface
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
12 stars 8 forks source link

File uploaded for the wrong task #1222

Closed Paulina-Rosetta closed 8 years ago

Paulina-Rosetta commented 8 years ago

A translator uploaded a file that he meant to upload for a different task. Can this task be reset to 'In Progress'?

Many thanks

alanbarrett commented 8 years ago

I did: UPDATE Tasks SET task-status_id=3 where id=12601; But I have now reversed that: UPDATE Tasks SET task-status_id=4 where id=12601; Files are in: /repo/SOLAS-Match/backup/uploads/proj-3958 I don't know exactly what to delete without a good bit of investigation. A test of the simple approach on the dev server did not seem to work. Also there is a TaskClaims table and possibly others.

So I think a work-around is better.

Paulina-Rosetta commented 8 years ago

Thanks Alan. I've archived the project and recreated it here:

alanbarrett commented 8 years ago

At a later stage I will look at the code so I will be in a position to do this sort of thing or possibly add a new feature to do it.
