TheRusskiy / ng-slide-down

AngularJS directive for slide-down animation
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Angular 2 support #21

Closed Bouzmine closed 6 years ago

Bouzmine commented 8 years ago


I really like this component and use it a lot, but as I'm migrating my project to Angular/Ionic 2, I would like to have it for that version.

Would that ever be possible ?

TheRusskiy commented 8 years ago

To be honest, I still haven't dived in into Angular 2 and unlikely to do so in near time. So I would not hope for it any time soon.

maxfahl commented 6 years ago

I've just published an Angular 2+ module with a directive similar to this, just FYI.

TheRusskiy commented 6 years ago

@maxfahl glad to hear that the project lives on in ng2 :-) I suppose we can close this issue then.

maxfahl commented 6 years ago

Yes. I was looking for an Angular 2 version but couldn't find one, so I had to get my hands dirty for a bit :)