TheSCInitiative / bounties

Bounties funded by the SCI. Click on issues to see active bounties.
13 stars 1 forks source link

Bounty: Fix confusing warning to users when directory permissions are incorrect (Linux) #7

Closed makeasnek closed 1 year ago

makeasnek commented 1 year ago

Context: See relevant issue in BOINC repo

Requirements to claim bounty:

Contribute to this Bounty You can contribute to this bounty by donating at BountySource. You can also donate to SCI directly, get a nice tax deduction, and we will spend those donated funds on our bounty programs. The higher the bounty, the more likely a developer will come along to claim it!

Bounty amount: Whatever is on BountySource

BountySource at time of writing has $25 on the bounty. You will also get the satisfaction of knowing you are helping a software and ecosystem which supports the progress of science.

Claiming bounty

Comment below if you want to indicate you are working on the bounty (though this is not required) or if you have any questions. BountySource bounty will paid under the BountySource terms (if bounty payers vote that your change fixes the issue).

About SCI The SCI is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to rebuilding the bridge of participation and trust between the public and the scientific process. We support tools and infrastructure that enable people to learn about and engage with science. Follow our work via our free newsletter on substack.

AenBleidd commented 1 year ago

Has beed fixed via