TheSchoolofBitcoinCurriculum / 21TSOBTC-Diploma-of-Applied-Bitcoin

The purpose of this course is to provide participants with a range of knowledge, skills, generic and specific competencies to support them in gaining employment in applying bitcoin technologies within an existing or new organisation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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10849NAT- Diploma of Applied Blockchain - 6 Core + 2 Elective Units #12

Open Cam-ox opened 1 year ago

Cam-ox commented 1 year ago

Core Subjects

Elective Subjects (Select 2)

Cam-ox commented 1 year ago

On average, the non-supervised activities listed above will equate to 279 hours. Using the formula: nominal (supervised) hours + unsupervised hours = volume of learning, the volume of learning for this course is 1217 hours, which aligns to that required for a Diploma qualification type (1200 – 2400 hours).

Diploma - 1 – 2 years -1200 – 2400 hours Advanced Diploma - 1.5 – 2 years - 1800 – 2400 hours

Cam-ox commented 1 year ago

zoom meeting 17/02/2023

Suggested the course outline be revisited to chuck at a high level similar to 10849NAT. At a high level units chuck to

Principles Framework / Infrastructure Disintermediation People / Teams Business Models Marketing Governance IOT AI

Possible to build this out in a bitcoin context. Ideally it would be helpful to be able to review the subject within 10849NAT

Cam-ox commented 1 year ago

Audience and delivery method in-person, online, onsite, blended, yet to be determined.

Cam-ox commented 1 year ago

uncurated version of Bitcoin Diploma subject mapping: