TheSeamau5 / elm-check

Property Based Testing in Elm
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Have float Investigator use the generator it builds up #16

Open rtfeldman opened 9 years ago

rtfeldman commented 9 years ago

The reason I messed this up with percentage was because I copy/pasted from float without noticing the same error!

This fixes float in the same way.

TheSeamau5 commented 9 years ago

Oops sorry. Actually I have no idea what I was trying to do there. The comments say that the floats generated are between -50 and 50 and yet I somehow added the ability to generate any float.

Sorry about that, I guess this is one of those cases when I look at old code and go "what the hell was I thinking?".

Richard, which would you prefer, that the generator only generate small values, generate any values, or mostly small values but occasionally large ones?

rtfeldman commented 9 years ago

In general I prefer to have investigators that explicitly incorporate likely-to-break fact, come to think of it, I'd like to include 0 in the mix here too. :wink:

TheSeamau5 commented 9 years ago

How about something like this:

float : Investigator Float
float =
   let generator =
           [ (1, Random.constant 0)
           , (7, Random.float -50 50)
           , (2, Random.float (toFloat Random.minInt) (toFloat Random.maxInt))
           ] (Random.float -50 50)
       investigator generator Shrink.float

And, don't worry too much about zero. The shrinking strategy tries 0 first when it finds something wrong.

rtfeldman commented 9 years ago

I like it!

I do think zero is good to include anyway, because shrinking only comes up of there's a failure in the first place; if a test passes for nonzero values but fails for zero (a notorious source of edge case failures), I want it to fail!