Currently the screen shake seems a bit too varied in intensity. Sometimes you deal damage and the screen shake is obvious, other times it feel like nothing happened.
I suspect it's because the intensity of the shake has some amount of randomization on it.
I think the best solution would be something where on each shake the distances of the shake are always the same, just the directions change.
So for example the shake always first goes X pixels in 1 random direction, then Y pixels in opposite direction, then returns to normal. Something like that?
Currently the screen shake seems a bit too varied in intensity. Sometimes you deal damage and the screen shake is obvious, other times it feel like nothing happened.
I suspect it's because the intensity of the shake has some amount of randomization on it.
I think the best solution would be something where on each shake the distances of the shake are always the same, just the directions change.
So for example the shake always first goes X pixels in 1 random direction, then Y pixels in opposite direction, then returns to normal. Something like that?
This video that Ida suggested can be a helpful reference too: