Do you know the smallest instance type you can get away with for a 20 slot server?
I have only had the capability to test with 2 individuals playing at once, so results may vary.
ASA reports an average RAM usage in my testing of 8.8GB - 9.9GB. Note that this may increase depending on the amount of players and what they're doing.
Testing with a T3.large resulted in significant hits to performance. As a result the default instance type for the module is set at T3.XLarge with the ability to choose whichever instance type you wish.
I have not attempted to use other instance types aside from T3 series (yet).
Would it be cheaper to rent a nitrado server over this if you kept it running 24/7?
It would be cheaper to rent a Nitrado server at 20 slots for 30 days at the current price (at the time of this writing, $24.99 USD) a month if you were to compare that to keeping this running 24/7.
The average cost of keeping this running for 24 hours on a t3.xlarge is approximately $3.50-$4.00 USD a day depending on the inputs set. The majority of that cost is the EC2 instance running.
Plans are in the works for features to allow users to set auto start and stop times + cost usage alerts. This becomes cheaper than Nitrado if you control EC2 usage time as needed.
Would this server show up on the list of unofficial servers or does nitrado have a monopoly on that?
Yes, this server shows up on the unofficial servers list as long as the "Show Player Servers" box is checked.
What is your Question? Do you know the smallest instance type you can get away with for a 20 slot server?
Would it be cheaper to rent a nitrado server over this if you kept it running 24/7?
Would this server show up on the list of unofficial servers or does nitrado have a monopoly on that?