TheSuperHackers / GeneralsGamePatch

Community Patch to fix and improve original Generals Zero Hour 1.04
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Stealth Fighter bad performance vs specific Base Defenses #1172

Open ImTimK opened 2 years ago

ImTimK commented 2 years ago

It's supposed to be strong vs Base Defenses, however it lacks majorly in a few areas.

XP SF count
Any Patriot 200 2
Firebase 200 2
Gatling Tower 200 2
Bunker 20 5
Fortified Bunker 20 6
Tunnel 100 5 (+3 for hole)
Stinger 200 2 (+3 for hole)
Hole Type SF count*
Barracks 4
Stinger/Tunnel 3
Supply 3
ArmsDealer 4
Palace 4
BlackMarket 3
Scudstorm 5
CC 4

*This is when shooting simultaneously, a few seconds of Auto Repair may already increase SF count by 1. SF performance is very inconsistent, they do miss quite often, or often only shoot 1 Missile and then another on it's return. Probably the reason why the numbers above don't all make sense.

Proposal 1

Increase damage vs China Bunkers so 2 are needed to kill a standard Bunker, 3 to kill an Inf Bunker (or 2 with Laser Guided Missiles?).

Proposal 2

Increase Damage vs Tunnel so that 2 are needed to kill it to the Hole. If possible for non-BunkerBusterMissiles only, because this change would make it impossible to BunkerBust a low HP tunnel. Otherwise 3 or 4 sounds more justified.

Proposal 3

Make SF good vs GLA Holes (also add to unit description), 1 SF to kill small/medium Holes, 2 to kill Scudstorm/CC hole (3 is too much). Good usage could change a game, SF would be a suitable unit for such mission of destroying critical building Holes deep in the base. It diversifies the utility of the unit and makes it more fun to use.

Stubbjax commented 2 years ago

I really like the third option because it diversifies the unit's utility, fits thematically and makes logical sense. I'd even go as far as letting a single Stealth Fighter kill any hole due to the extremely narrow strike window.

ImTimK commented 2 years ago

Another idea would be making BunkerBusters good vs Holes, so you would only need 2 to kill a Stinger + Hole for example. The delayed reaction will finish it.

Could also balance it so that 1 SF + either BunkerBusters or LaserGuidedMissiles finishes off Scud/CC Holes.

commy2 commented 2 years ago

Hole can also be customized for each building. For example, there already exists a different hole for base defenses, which can be given its own health values and armor sets.

Jundiyy commented 2 years ago

Stinger being shot down by 2 is fine imo, don't need to finish the hole with it. It's just like every other building of GLA. Aurora va Black Market, take it to the hole, you need a second one to finish it.

Tunnels and Bunkers, I don't have a yes or no at the moment. All I can say is, they shouldn't die too quick otherwise you won't be able to use Bunker Buster Bombs. And they don't need to follow all defences, if they go down to 3, 4 or 5, it's still okay.

The holes, yes, we could change it so a single Stealth Fighter can destroy a defence hole.

KrewGR commented 2 years ago

I'd like to see it be an anti ECM unit just like 1.06.

ImTimK commented 2 years ago

It's a nice idea, it extends it's utility vs China, right now it's only vs Gattling Towers and potentially Infernos/Nuke Cannons.

Hopefully these uses will be more common when we fix SF accessibility:

xezon commented 2 years ago

I agree with increasing damage against GLA Holes. Proposal 3.

ImTimK commented 1 year ago

Another proposal, SF can kill passengers inside vehicles or force evac them.