TheSuperHackers / GeneralsGamePatch

Community Patch to fix and improve original Generals Zero Hour 1.04
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Propaganda Center Has little Armor Compared to other tech buildings #1497

Open MTKing4 opened 1 year ago

MTKing4 commented 1 year ago

Let's be honest, it's pathetically weak, i think we should make a detailed comparison table between the three tech buildings in terms of hp, cost, and advantages/disadvantages

ImTimK commented 1 year ago


  ; ***DESIGN parameters ***
  DisplayName      = OBJECT:StrategyCenter
  Side = America
  EditorSorting    = STRUCTURE
    Object = AmericaWarFactory AmericaAirfield
  CommandSet          = AmericaStrategyCenterCommandSet
  BuildCost           = 2500
  BuildTime           = 60.0           ; in seconds
  EnergyProduction    = -2
  VisionRange         = 400.0           ; Shroud clearing distance

  MaxSimultaneousOfType = 1

  ShroudClearingRange = 400
    Conditions           = None
    Weapon               = PRIMARY StrategyCenterGun
    AutoChooseSources    = PRIMARY NONE
    Conditions      = None
    Armor           = StructureArmor
    DamageFX        = StructureDamageFXNoShake
  ExperienceValue     = 250 250 250 250  ; Experience point value at each level

  ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
  RadarPriority   = STRUCTURE
  Body            = StructureBody ModuleTag_10
    MaxHealth       = 1500.0
    InitialHealth   = 1500.0

    ; Subdual damage "Subdues" you (reaction defined by BodyModule) when it passes your max health.
    ; The cap limits how extra-subdued you can be, and the other numbers detemine how fast it drains away on its own.
    SubdualDamageCap = 1700
    SubdualDamageHealRate = 500
    SubdualDamageHealAmount = 100


; ***DESIGN parameters ***
  DisplayName         = OBJECT:PropagandaCenter
  Side                = China
  EditorSorting       = STRUCTURE
    Object            = ChinaWarFactory
  BuildCost           = 2000
  BuildTime           = 45.0           ; in seconds
  EnergyProduction    = -2
  VisionRange         = 200.0           ; Shroud clearing distance
  ShroudClearingRange = 200
    Conditions        = None
    Armor             = StructureArmor
    DamageFX          = StructureDamageFXNoShake
  CommandSet          = ChinaPropagandaCenterCommandSet
  ExperienceValue     = 200 200 200 200  ; Experience point value at each level

  ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
  Body            = StructureBody ModuleTag_07
    MaxHealth     = 1000.0
    InitialHealth = 1000.0

    ; Subdual damage "Subdues" you (reaction defined by BodyModule) when it passes your max health.
    ; The cap limits how extra-subdued you can be, and the other numbers detemine how fast it drains away on its own.
    SubdualDamageCap = 1200
    SubdualDamageHealRate = 500
    SubdualDamageHealAmount = 100


; ***DESIGN parameters ***
  DisplayName      = OBJECT:Palace
  Side = GLA
  EditorSorting    = STRUCTURE
    Object = GLAArmsDealer
  BuildCost        = 2500
  BuildTime        = 45.0           ; in seconds
  EnergyProduction = 0
  VisionRange     = 300.0           ; Shroud clearing distance
  ShroudClearingRange = 300
    Conditions      = None
    Armor           = StructureArmor
    DamageFX        = StructureDamageFXNoShake
    Conditions        = PLAYER_UPGRADE
    Armor             = GLAUpgradedStructureArmor
    DamageFX          = StructureDamageFXNoShake
  CommandSet = GLAPalaceCommandSet
  ExperienceValue     = 300 300 300 300  ; Experience point value at each level

  ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
  RadarPriority   = STRUCTURE
  Body            = StructureBody ModuleTag_04
    MaxHealth       = 3000.0
    InitialHealth   = 3000.0

    ; Subdual damage "Subdues" you (reaction defined by BodyModule) when it passes your max health.
    ; The cap limits how extra-subdued you can be, and the other numbers detemine how fast it drains away on its own.
    SubdualDamageCap = 3200
    SubdualDamageHealRate = 500
    SubdualDamageHealAmount = 100
MavroGada2 commented 1 year ago

It can be at least as strong as strat which has more impact on game and can double its hp. 1250 hp maybe?

xezon commented 1 year ago

It is weak compared to Palace, but it is also 500 cheaper, builds quick, can build multiples, has small structure footprint.

ImTimK commented 1 year ago

Can also build multiple palaces, which is much more useful as it can be used as stronghold/bunker. The only advantage for the prop would be that you're able to rebuild it as soon as you know you're gonna lose your current, saving a few seconds but that's really it.

One pro that hasn't been mentioned yet though is the new free build-in prop tower.

xezon commented 1 year ago

I would like to close this report. Yes Propaganda is weak, but it costs 500 less, builds 15 seconds quicker than Strategy Center, 45 seconds quicker than Palace.

China gets its big units with Propaganda. Banking on the ability to mess with China's Tech Tree easily is nice. GLA can try to sneak in and kill the Propaganda strategically.

We can make China more competitive in other ways.

MTKing4 commented 1 year ago

It's not about the difference in cost, it's the lost opportunity to build tech units and how easy it is to loose 2K for china that is not fair

If it's for the cost I'd rather it costs 2.5K with more HP than to what it is now

xezon commented 1 year ago

But China can build it deep in the base and defend it. Or build 2.

MTKing4 commented 1 year ago

Building 2 cost 4K, that's not worth it, as for building deep, that doesn't work on all maps, besides most china's enemies have mobility and they will reach the prop regardless

ImTimK commented 1 year ago

Another way to look at it:

Does this look fair?

MTKing4 commented 1 year ago

As i said, i do think that paying a little bit more and taking a bit more time is worth it for the extra HP, as china will always suffer extra cost and tech downtime anyway when prop is lost

I see it too many times where china gets screwed hard once prop is lost, it's determental to their win yet they spend a lot of their match time in tier 1 because of this

Stubbjax commented 1 year ago

I agree that the Propaganda Center only having as much health as a Barracks (and less than an Infantry General Barracks) is somewhat counterintuitive. Such a change should not only be looked at in a vacuum with the other tech buildings.

An increase of 500hp to 1500hp would match it with the Nuclear Reactor / Airfield and allow it to survive A10 Strike 1, Artillery Barrage 1, or a MiG firestorm. If balance or visibility is a concern, an increase of 200hp to 1200hp to match the Infantry General Barracks could be acceptable and reasonably subtle, though it wouldn't help it survive any of the aforementioned strikes.

xezon commented 1 year ago

I am skeptical of increase but I do not know better. We can try if you think it is correct course.

xezon commented 1 year ago

It looks like China has a health advantage over USA for the Power Plant. Is it not fair that China has weaker Tech Building, while it has stronger Power Plant?

ChinaPowerPlant Health: 1500 AmericaPowerPlant Health: 800

ChinaBarracks Health: 1000 AmericaBarracks Health: 1000

ChinaWarFactory Health: 2000 AmericaWarFactory Health: 2000

AmericaSupplyCenter Health: 2000 ChinaSupplyCenter Health: 2000

ImTimK commented 1 year ago

I think 200hp increase to match Inf Rax is fair, then it doesn't die to 2 terrorists, or 1 demo bike anymore, if mines aren't researched yet. Which is an absolute necessity in the majority of matchups, so that already makes the investment $2600.

Edit: wait, is this even true? Demo terrorist does more than 600 damage? Since 3 can take out USA WF?

As for comparing techbuilding to powerplant hp, I don't think it's meaningful to just look at this one factor. Both powerplants got their own pros and cons.

fastAiRR commented 1 year ago

Some points to mention:

xezon commented 1 year ago

All China factions can build unlimited amount of Propaganda Center.

ImTimK commented 1 year ago

GLA can build unlimited Palaces aswell. It's not worth it for either faction in normal games. Only as GLA when you're massive you can build more to bunker off flanks.

MTKing4 commented 1 year ago

So a Quick Comparison with the 3 tech buildings

Cost & Build Time (maximum investment)

Prop Prop + mines= $2000@45s + $600@25s = $2600@65s

Strat $2500@60 + 3 Free Strategy Options

Palace $2500@90 + 5 RPG Slots

Health Points

Prop 1000HP

Strat 1500HP + Hold The Line = 3000HP

Palace 3000HP + Fortified Structure = 3200HP ?

Vision Range

Prop 200

Strat 400

Palace 300

MTKing4 commented 1 year ago

Is there anything the prop is good at?

MTKing4 commented 1 year ago

I think by that comparison it is fair to make its hp up to 1500HP as it will still be half as strong as the other two structures can be

penfriendz commented 1 year ago

The prop centre needs to at least survive one demobike or a level 1 A10.

xezon commented 1 year ago

Palace builds in 90 seconds.

Propaganda Center has a free Prop Tower. We could make the subliminal range of the Propaganda Center larger if it is too small.

ImTimK commented 1 year ago

Maybe if speakertower range is similar to strat stealth detection, or bunker/rpg range from the palace, then it doesn't need more hp. It would make China quite a bit better defensively. Although it feels less like native 1.04.

MTKing4 commented 1 year ago

Palace builds in 90 seconds.

I took it from the code above, I'm asuming no power doubles it, will add that

xezon commented 1 year ago

Maybe if speakertower range is similar to strat stealth detection, or bunker/rpg range from the palace, then it doesn't need more hp. It would make China quite a bit better defensively. Although it feels less like native 1.04.

Because rarely players build Propaganda Towers.

penfriendz commented 1 year ago

The focus, imo, is on the durability of the structure itself; using secondary methods to balance this issue is inefficient.

ImTimK commented 1 year ago

Maybe if speakertower range is similar to strat stealth detection, or bunker/rpg range from the palace, then it doesn't need more hp. It would make China quite a bit better defensively. Although it feels less like native 1.04.

Because rarely players build Propaganda Towers.

I've seen good players use them, but they seem underrated overall and aren't adopted by everyone.

Anyways that's not the issue, giving the prop a free but normal speaker tower doesn't feel too strange, but if it's one with a huge radius it feels different and might be harder for people to accept such change?

xezon commented 1 year ago

Maybe should look at ranges first to draw conclusion. The upside of a very capable Propaganda effect on Propaganda Center is that players are encouraged to place the Center strategically in their base to benefit from the Subliminal Bonus in case of a base attack, while at the same time being mindful to not compound too many valuable buildings in a small space.