TheSuperHackers / GeneralsGamePatch

Community Patch to fix and improve original Generals Zero Hour 1.04
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China Overlord Bunker does not grant GARRISON bonus to passengers #2131

Open commy2 opened 11 months ago

commy2 commented 11 months ago

In Zero Hour, when units like rocketeers are place inside buildings, they gain a GARRISON bonus which gives them 133% range and 125% damage.

The GARRISON bonus does not apply when units are placed inside vehicles. There is one exception to this: GARRISON bonus is granted to units inside a Bunker Helix.

unit / building GARRISON bonus
Humvee no
Outpost no
Bunker Overlord no
Bunker Helix yes
Battle Bus no
Fire Base yes
(Inf) Bunker yes
Palace yes
any civilian building yes

This oddity is likely an oversight, but it makes the Helix viable, as with this bonus they can engage even long range AA weapons like Quads with good micro and deal a lot of damage.

The Bunker Overlord is mostly unviable in comparison. The only time you maybe want to use them is against Crusaders/Laser tanks. I think this is mostly because of the underwhelming range and damage of the garrisoned rocketeers.

It is odd that putting a Bunker on an Overlord negates the range and damage bonus of the static base defense Bunker, especially while it does not do this for the Helix Bunker.



xezon commented 11 months ago
xezon commented 11 months ago

Rocket Overlord cost

Overlord 2000 Bunker 400 5 Rocket Men 1500 Total 3900

Rocket Helix cost

Helix 1500 Bunker 400 5 Rocket Men 1500 Total 3400

xezon commented 11 months ago

Rocket men already outrange ground tanks by 25. Increasing the range would make Overlord quite a bit stronger. But perhaps is ok given the investment it requires.

commy2 commented 11 months ago

Note that USA gets Search And Destroy, which gives 120% range to rocketeers, which means Rockvees outrange troops inside an Overlord Bunker, while also being 3 times as fast (top speed and turn rate) and can reverse.

MTKing4 commented 11 months ago

With this change overlords will outrange S&D Vees šŸ˜ Also rockets will shoot before the main cannon does.

That being said, overlord sucks in general, and bunker is the worst upgrade possible, so maybe it's ok considering you lost out on healing or anti inf/air steatlth detector for this

ImTimK commented 11 months ago

I like the idea, would hopefully and finally make it a worthy investment.

With this change overlords will outrange S&D Vees šŸ˜ Also rockets will shoot before the main cannon does.

Does it?

MTKing4 commented 11 months ago

GARRISON 133% S&D 120%

if MDs and Tank Hunters have Equal Range, which i think they do, then this means Overlords will now outrange S&D Vees

ImTimK commented 11 months ago


S&D 120%

if MDs and Tank Hunters have Equal Range, which i think they do, then this means Overlords will now outrange S&D Vees

You would say so then yea, I now wonder how effective bunkerlords will become.