TheSuperHackers / GeneralsGamePatch

Community Patch to fix and improve original Generals Zero Hour 1.04
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China ECM Tank veterancy #2368

Open xezon opened 1 year ago

xezon commented 1 year ago

China ECM Tank is trainable by crushing infantry units.

  ExperienceRequired = 0 100 150 300  ;Experience points needed to gain each level
  IsTrainable = Yes             ;Can gain experience

Does its weapon gain benefits from it?

Weapon  ECMTankVehicleDisabler
  PrimaryDamage         = 24.0
  PrimaryDamageRadius   = 0.0       ; 0 primary radius means "hits only intended victim"
  AttackRange           = 200.0
  DamageType            = SUBDUAL_VEHICLE
  DeathType             = NORMAL
  WeaponSpeed           = 999999.0          ; dist/sec (huge value == effectively instant)
  LaserName             = ECMDisableStream
  LaserBoneName         = WEAPONA01
  RadiusDamageAffects   = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRALS
  DelayBetweenShots     = 100               ; time between shots, msec
  ClipSize              = 0                    ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite)
  ClipReloadTime        = 0              ; how long to reload a Clip, msec
  AntiAirborneVehicle   = No
  AntiAirborneInfantry  = No
  FireSound = FrequencyJammerWeaponLoop
  FireSoundLoopTime = 120                ; loop the firing sound until there's this much delay between shots

If yes, should ECM Tank also gain experience for disabling vehicles?

If not, should ECM Tank no longer be trainable?

xezon commented 1 year ago


his damage will increase, so will disable other units faster.

MTKing4 commented 12 months ago

Probably should get some XP after a Unit is successfully disabled

mrCorat commented 4 days ago

Maybe give damage for ecm tanks for tank? For example it remove 1hp per second by disabling.

xezon commented 4 days ago

My suggestion here is to have ECM gain experience by disabling vehicles, same as China Lotus for hacking vehicles and capturing buildings. Edit: Or perhaps not a good idea, as it would mean the experience is also going to the General Promotion and could be abused by trapping a vehicle with 10 ECM tanks somewhere to farm experience.