TheSuperHackers / GeneralsGamePatch

Community Patch to fix and improve original Generals Zero Hour 1.04
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Airforce A10 Strike not shared with other USA factions #2434

Open BKRFTTK opened 3 months ago

BKRFTTK commented 3 months ago

Airforce can't use A10 Strike from other USA faction Command Centers and vise-versa for other USA factions using A10 strike from an Airforce Command Center.

Airforce A10 Strike has its own Special Power and Science requirements despite sharing the same statistical numbers and OCLs as the normal A10 Strike.

SpecialPower SuperweaponA10ThunderboltMissileStrike
  Enum                = SPECIAL_A10_THUNDERBOLT_STRIKE
  ReloadTime          = 240000   ; in milliseconds
  RequiredScience     = SCIENCE_A10ThunderboltMissileStrike1
  PublicTimer         = No
  SharedSyncedTimer   = Yes
  ViewObjectDuration  = 30000
  ViewObjectRange     = 250
  RadiusCursorRadius  = 50
  ShortcutPower       = Yes     ;Capable of being fired by the side-bar shortcut.
  AcademyClassify     = ACT_SUPERPOWER ;Considered a powerful special power that a player could fire. Not for simpler unit based powers.
SpecialPower AirF_SuperweaponA10ThunderboltMissileStrike
  ReloadTime          = 240000   ; in milliseconds
  RequiredScience     = AirF_SCIENCE_A10ThunderboltMissileStrike1
  PublicTimer         = No
  SharedSyncedTimer   = Yes
  ViewObjectDuration  = 30000
  ViewObjectRange     = 250
  RadiusCursorRadius  = 50
  ShortcutPower       = Yes     ;Capable of being fired by the side-bar shortcut.
  AcademyClassify     = ACT_SUPERPOWER ;Considered a powerful special power that a player could fire. Not for simpler unit based powers.
  Behavior           = OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_26
    SpecialPowerTemplate = SuperweaponA10ThunderboltMissileStrike
    UpgradeOCL           = SCIENCE_A10ThunderboltMissileStrike3 SUPERWEAPON_A10ThunderboltMissileStrike3
    UpgradeOCL           = SCIENCE_A10ThunderboltMissileStrike2 SUPERWEAPON_A10ThunderboltMissileStrike2
    OCL                  = SUPERWEAPON_A10ThunderboltMissileStrike1
    CreateLocation       = CREATE_AT_EDGE_NEAR_SOURCE
  Behavior           = OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_26
    SpecialPowerTemplate = AirF_SuperweaponA10ThunderboltMissileStrike
    UpgradeOCL           = AirF_SCIENCE_A10ThunderboltMissileStrike3 SUPERWEAPON_A10ThunderboltMissileStrike3
    UpgradeOCL           = AirF_SCIENCE_A10ThunderboltMissileStrike2 SUPERWEAPON_A10ThunderboltMissileStrike2
    OCL                  = SUPERWEAPON_A10ThunderboltMissileStrike1
    CreateLocation       = CREATE_AT_EDGE_NEAR_SOURCE
xezon commented 3 months ago

@commy2 Did you fix this already by any chance? I do remember you touched things like this.

MTKing4 commented 3 months ago

Isn't it because airforce A10 has PDL?

What did we do about China Carpet Bomb vs Nuke Carpet bomb?

Float1ngFree commented 3 months ago

My guess is that they wanted to make it any different but ended up being the same. The special power itself doesn't matter much as it is OCLs that are specified that make difference in planes.

I actually took advantage of this in my project to make lvl 1 available from General 2 promotion for AirF.

@MTKing4 they don't have PDLs, but I guess that was the intention, since A10 object is listed separately in AirforceGeneral.ini.