TheSuperHackers / GeneralsGamePatch

Community Patch to fix and improve original Generals Zero Hour 1.04
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Demo GLA Bomb Truck deals same damage as regular Bomb Truck #944

Closed xezon closed 1 year ago

xezon commented 2 years ago

Demo GLA Bomb Truck deals same damage as regular Bomb Truck. Is this an unexpected problem?

;The basic explosive damage inflicted to nearby units when detonated.
Weapon BombTruckDefaultBombDamage
  PrimaryDamage = 1000.0
  PrimaryDamageRadius = 40.0
  SecondaryDamage = 100.0
  SecondaryDamageRadius = 65.0
  DamageType = EXPLOSION
  DeathType = EXPLODED
  WeaponSpeed = 99999.0
  ProjectileObject = NONE
  DamageDealtAtSelfPosition = Yes   ; this is a suicide bomber... remember?
  DelayBetweenShots = 0
  ClipSize = 1
  ClipReloadTime = 0
  AutoReloadsClip = No
  ;**** DON'T USE ANY EFFECTS!!! ****

;A larger explosive damage inflicted immediately to nearby units if the
;bomb-truck has the high-explosive upgrade.
Weapon BombTruckHighExplosionBombDamage
  PrimaryDamage = 2000.0
  PrimaryDamageRadius = 50.0
  SecondaryDamage = 200.0
  SecondaryDamageRadius = 85.0
  DamageType = EXPLOSION
  DeathType = EXPLODED
  ProjectileObject = NONE
  DelayBetweenShots = 0                   ; time between shots, msec
  ClipSize = 1                            ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite)
  ClipReloadTime = 0                      ; how long to reload a Clip, msec
  AutoReloadsClip = No

  AntiGround = Yes
  DamageDealtAtSelfPosition = Yes
  WeaponBonus = PLAYER_UPGRADE DAMAGE 125%
  ;**** DON'T USE ANY EFFECTS!!! ****

;The basic explosive damage inflicted to nearby units when detonated.
Weapon Demo_BombTruckDefaultBombDamage
  PrimaryDamage = 1000.0
  PrimaryDamageRadius = 40.0
  SecondaryDamage = 100.0
  SecondaryDamageRadius = 65.0
  DamageType = EXPLOSION
  DeathType = EXPLODED
  WeaponSpeed = 99999.0
  ProjectileObject = NONE
  DamageDealtAtSelfPosition = Yes   ; this is a suicide bomber... remember?
  DelayBetweenShots = 0
  ClipSize = 1
  ClipReloadTime = 0
  AutoReloadsClip = No
  ;**** DON'T USE ANY EFFECTS!!! ****

;A larger explosive damage inflicted immediately to nearby units if the
;bomb-truck has the high-explosive upgrade.
Weapon Demo_BombTruckHighExplosionBombDamage
  PrimaryDamage = 2000.0
  PrimaryDamageRadius = 50.0
  SecondaryDamage = 200.0
  SecondaryDamageRadius = 85.0
  DamageType = EXPLOSION
  DeathType = EXPLODED
  ProjectileObject = NONE
  DelayBetweenShots = 0                   ; time between shots, msec
  ClipSize = 1                            ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite)
  ClipReloadTime = 0                      ; how long to reload a Clip, msec
  AutoReloadsClip = No

  AntiGround = Yes
  DamageDealtAtSelfPosition = Yes
  WeaponBonus = PLAYER_UPGRADE DAMAGE 125%
  ;**** DON'T USE ANY EFFECTS!!! ****
commy2 commented 2 years ago

Same for Demo Scud Launcher, despite the flashy lights.

xezon commented 2 years ago

Juhziz is so cheap.

commy2 commented 2 years ago

I love his army, but all his units are somehow borked xD

Jundiyy commented 2 years ago

Don't think it's a problem. Lots of players do think Demo Scuds do extra damage simply due to the 'flashy lights'. I don't think Demo Bomb Truck is a problem though. Fine to keep as is. Maybe it could do more with the Demolitions upgrade.

commy2 commented 2 years ago

"Demolitions upgrade" is an inoffensive way of saying "Suicide upgrade", i.e. turning every unit into a suicide bombing Terrorist. I think it should only do that: add the Suicide button to all units, nothing else.

ImTimK commented 2 years ago

Naturally you would expect those units to do more damage, which is also the case with the first unit you make as GLA. The terrorist has the "flashy lights" that doesn't deceive you. Same for the Demo Scudstorm, so why not the Bomb Truck and Scud Launcher? They also have the... "flashy lights"...

Pretty sure we can come up with some balanced values if we do decide to buff them. It's not that those units are OP already, or that this would improve Demo on a meta level (because it doesn't need improvements there).

commy2 commented 2 years ago


Demo Bomb Truck starts as vet 1 (+10% damage, +20% health)

Jundiyy commented 2 years ago

True @ Exile.

@ Commy, too obvious of a change? Perhaps just slightly increase the damage alone for both units. And the flashy lights already give away the extra damage.

ImTimK commented 2 years ago

I do like the vet1 bombtruck idea.

Do same with Scudlauncher maybe?

xezon commented 2 years ago

I think Vet 1 Demo units are not a good idea, because it violates the expectation that by default units start with no veterancy.

ImTimK commented 2 years ago

China factions have this described and applied a lot too.

commy2 commented 2 years ago

***IF*** the Demo Scud Launcher is buffed, it should be done like the KRaptor, where it has the same (slightly less) health/armor than a normal Raptor after Countermeasures. Meaning, AP Rockets should not give a full buff on top of the patch making it stronger.